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Posts posted by petrig386

  1. Hi. I want to bring 2 group winners into a final. However, that doesn't work for me. Do you have an idea how this could work? I add error message and settings.

    I have 3 stages.

    0->1st stage also works. After knockout games, the group stage begins.

    But I can't get the champions of the group phase into the 2nd stage, the final.



  2. vor 18 Stunden schrieb Dave Fairbairn:

    The round set, I assume, is wrong here. The "round name" must match the name of the round the teams must win in to qualify. Then you need to set "main stage name" to the round or stage they have qualified for.

    vor 18 Stunden schrieb rusty217:

    In Stage 1 on the "Requirements" page you need to add an entry for Stage 0. Basically it's trying to setup before Stage 0 has finished so no teams have qualified yet. If you set the requirement there than it will wait until Stage 0 finishes before setting up, at which point it should have teams qualified for it to add.

    Thank youI tried both once, now I have enough teams! However, I now have the problem that I don't know how to specifically address the two group winners. These two should move into the final. I haven't really found in Teams an option on "Type" that goes with this. Have you got an idea?


    PS: I'll watch the Scottish competition when the qualifiers are underway. ;)

  3. Am 5.4.2022 um 02:25 schrieb Dave Fairbairn:

    In round settings there is a "number of legs" setting to control number of legs.

    Should work now, thanks.


    Use fate action "qualify teams for stage" to move teams to next stage. Here is an example.

    Unfortunately I still have the same error as before. I'll attach my procedure as a screenshot. Any other ideas?





    For European qualification, you are better of using ranking levels to qualify teams. Rank 0 will get 1st Euro place, rank 1 will get 2nd place etc. Just go to each stage and make sure each position in league or group rounds and cup round winners have appropriate rankings.

    Final winner should get given rank 0, final loser rank 1, semi final losers rank 2, 3rd placed group teams get rank 3, 4th placed group teams get rank 4 etc. so that teams are ranked according to what you wish, also making sure that all teams have a ranking, even if relegated.


    Could you please also send pictures with examples? 😅


  4. In English:

    Sorry for my bad English:

    Hello Guys

    I'll describe my problem:

    I divided the German leagues into 16 leagues. A league for each state. Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Saarland etc.

    Or finally 2 leagues for each federal state, but it doesn't matter.

    In the end, all masters of these individual leagues should play out the German championship.

    In the first round, 16 champions from the federal states meet. After two games there will be 8 winners.

    1st problem: How do I say that there should also be second legs?

    These 8 winners will then be forwarded to 2 groups of 4. The two masters play against each other in the final for the German championship.

    2.Problem: How do I route the 8 winners into groups? I've tried a few things, but when I try to send the winners to stage1, FM tells me that it found 0 teams out of 8.

    1st and 2nd place in both groups should qualify for the UEFA Champions League.

    The better 3rd place in both groups should qualify for the Europa League.

    The worse for the Conference League.

    Exception: A CL qualifier wins the DFB Cup. Thus, both 3rd place would get a Europa League place.

    The best 4th place finisher in the Conference League

    3rd problem: Where do I set this?

    In German:

    Tag Leute.

    Also ich beschreibe mal mein Problem:

    Ich habe im FM Editor für jedes Bundesland 2 Ligen erstellt. Also insgesamt 32 neue Ligen. Die Bundesliga, 2.Bundesliga etc. sind gone.

    Nachdem in jeder der höchsten Bundesländer Ligen der Meister ausgespielt wurde, sollen alle Meister in einem kleinen Turnier noch den deutschen Meister bestimmen.

    In einer K.O. Runde werden die 16 Meister in einem Hin- und Rückspiel antreten. Die 8 Sieger sollen in 2 4er Gruppen weiter geleitet werden. Dessen Meister sollen ein Finale um die deutsche Meisterschaft ausspielen.

    Platz 1-2 in jeder Gruppe sollen sich für die UEFA Champions League qualifizieren. Der beste Platz 3 für die UEFA Europa League und der schlechtere Platz 3 für die UEFA Conference League. Natürlich mit der Ausnahme, dass beide 3.Platzierten für die Europa League qualifiziert sind, wenn der DFB Pokal schon für die Champions League qualifiziert ist.

    Allerdings habe ich beim einstellen dieses Endturniers 3 Probleme. Ich hoffe ihr habt ein bisschen Plan vom FM Editor und könnt mir da helfen.

    1.Problem: Ich finde die Option nicht, in der ich in der 1. KO Runde sagen kann, dass es ein Hin- und Rückspiel geben soll. Wisst ihr wo ich das aktiviere?

    2.Problem: Ich weiß nicht ganz wo ich einstellen kann, dass die 8 Sieger der Vorrunde in den 2 4er Gruppen landen. Ich hab schon verschiedenstes probiert, FM sagt mir immer wieder, dass er 0 von 8 Teams gefunden hat. Vielleicht könnt ihr mir sagen, wie ich das richtig einstelle.

    3.Problem: Wo lege ich fest, dass die ersten beiden Plätze jeder Gruppe sich für die Champions League qualifizieren, der beste 3. für die Europa League usw.

    Danke im Voraus für eure Antworten!

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