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Posts posted by Bruiser419

  1. So I know if you're contracted to a club and you apply for jobs, it's frowned upon in future interviews as it looks bad (I understand that).

    Is it the same way if you apply for jobs while on a month to month contract?

    I only ask because my contract expires at the end of the current season and I have no plans on sticking around (money issues) so I was hoping to start applying once my contract "expires", but I also don't want the negative connotation of job hopping and I've resigned a few times recently so would prefer not to do that either.

    I may still apply even if it's negative but I'll be much more selective in that case.


  2. So is there something in the game that prevents you from having success after resigning?

    I've tried 3 or 4 times and every time I'll have success with the 1st team, get hired by other teams, and eventually reach a point where I'm about to be fired, so I resign first.

    Every time after I resign, I never have a winning season and either have to resign again or just wait until I get canned.  it's like after that first success, I can never regain any semblance of it.

    Not saying I'm a great coach (too many stats and things to keep track of in the game for me) but it just feels at this point the game is doing something too. (though I'm sure it's not)

  3. 2 hours ago, Jack Sarahs said:

    If I'm reading what you're saying correctly, that striker appears to be just inside his own half and you can't be offside in your own half within the field of play.


    If you're referring to something else please explain further and I'm sure someone will be able to help you!

    Ah, I didn't know that you weren't offsides if you're in your offensive side.  Never played soccer so all I knew was there had to be at least one player between you and the goalie when the ball was kicked.

  4. 19 hours ago, FrazT said:

    Perhaps setting a wage reduction if relegated will be looked on as a very negative approach by both your bard and the prospective player and so not worth being part of the negotiations.  I would doubt that it would be a bug but it would suggest to your board that you are not confident of avoiding relegation which is not a good thing.

    They seem to have no problem adding it to my contract every time I go to sign one...?

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