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Posts posted by robertgee

  1. Tactic is super. Over 100 points for afc telford in English lower leagues. Instant promotion.

    Only question is my target man is 32 and stats are declining. I have no money and have to rely on frees and loans. So do I get the biggest height striker I can get with poorer attributes ie. 6ft 5 big man or get a 6ft with better attributes for a forward? My current big man is rubbish to be honest but still scored 40 goals in this tactic.

  2. Hi. Looking for a bit of advice on a new laptop purchase.

    Use = only fm23 game wise, no other games, light Web browsing and word processing/PowerPoint. Nothing flash.

    Budget = looking for around £500 can be £100 more if needed.

    Location = England.

    Make = not tied to any makes but would like it to be OK for potential future fm editions

    FM Specs = would say medium usage database and loaded league wise. I would say quick start specs with 3d match engine in use.

    Have been looking at this one potentially


    Any good? Any better specs or ideas for my budget.

    Thanks in advance.


  3. this training is great, but I have a young lad whose physical stats are class and i dont want to waste training time or ca/pa points on improving his physical stats by 1 point or so, I wan thim to be the next Messi with quality technique.

    Anyone know the number of clicks needed on the strength/aerobic sliders so it just maintains his stats for those and doesnt really improve them as I want to really max out all the other areas.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. For those after the tweaked schedules, I have uploaded the set I made changes to. They can be downloaded from here:


    These are the ones I am using, and have had the changes I listed above made to them.

    I hope they help those of you who weren't sure what changes to make.

    lol so there isnt anyone, who is regarding my posts?

    its now the third time and nobody is answering my questions.....

    is that hwat you need?

  5. Hey all.

    This thread is brilliant and has given me so much information on training that has proven to be a great help in my game. I tend to change training so it maintains strong areas and develops weak areas. eg a player might be physically a beast but technically poor so target schedules for that.

    One question I have though is how many clicks/what position on the slider will maintain the physical attributes for strength and aerobic training as mentioned above I have just got a 20yr old who is a monster physically and would love to give him the highest amount of technique work I can as feel it would be wasting training to improve physically.

  6. Now, Like I said, I know that I am Real madrid. I have world class players to my disposal so I can try some things. I've only applied these settings knowing that my players are indeed world class.

    I took the V6 tactic from the OP and changed these settings:

    - Defensive line: all the way to the right (20) + tick 'play offside'

    - I'm a fan of swapping players and since I have the quality of players to do this: my 2 wingers interchange positions (made sure they can play on both wings), my 2 central midfielders swap positions and finally my 2 strikers

    - I've changed the creative freedom of my strikers to max (20) and put one of them on free role (+ the swap position from above)

    - also i've changed the DC settings a little bit: 1 dc is on easy tackling and 6 closing down, the other one is on Hard tackling and 15 closing down.

    - I don't know if this has anny effect: I've listed Villa in the target man list, but have not ticked the 'use targetman' option.

    - I also tend to use OI sometimes.

    I think that's about it ...

    I have my two cms and strikers with swap positions in league 1 in England as AFC Telford and agree it works a treat. I had a striker who hadnt scored in 12 games who I was thinking of selling nd then when my star striker got crocked for 3 months I had to play him and with the new switch positions he scored 14 goals in 12 games.

  7. RobertGee, did you change the tactic for away matches at all. Am playing AFC Wimbledon in my 1st season and despite being favourites to walk the league am struggling a bit, did you have any problems with lower league players low stamina and technical ability? I seem to get lots of chances but only 5% are on target and therefore lose games i am dominating!

    No I kept the tactic the same and didn't change a thing. Used the team talks similar to those suggested by Tyler and went from there.

    As I got a better standard of player in I gave the strikers instructions to swap positions with each other and have done the same recently with my 2 center mids as well.

    Dont worry too much about the players ability. If you can sign players with half decent stats to fit in with the requirements of the positions as stated in the opening post you will be laughing e.g you don't need to have a striker with 20 for dribbling and pace in the blue square, just get the best you can afford.

  8. I use V6 at all times home and away and have taken AFC Telford to top of league 1 with successive promotions every season I have played. I can post screen shot history and league table placings and player ratings and history if people wish.

    All the above is down to Tylerbodes tactic. The only real one that has worked for me for 09.

    The only changes I have made to the tactic is have the 2 strikers swapping positions and the 2 center mids swapping positions. i think it helps keep the tactic fresh and opposition guessing. The strikers in particular get a few more chances I feel.

  9. Dont forget to take technique and first touch into account, no point in having a player that can dribble if he doesent posses the technique to go past his man. Sinds your looking for a striker it depends on what kind of striker you want, i always look for fast ones with at least 10+ strength and heading.Other obvious important stats are composure, finishing, off the ball.

    Are there ones which you dont mind being weaker than others. I am a poor team and although I smashed the league last season, only losing 2 games in all comps I need 2 new strikers as mine have been poached.

    Obviously I cant afford or attract players with all the stats I want, so I need t make choices between players that fit the bill, but are missing a couple of strong stats in other areas.

    From what you say it would be better for me to get palyers with good technical skills rather than a quick bloke who is useless.

  10. one quick question about strikers. Obviously I am looking to buy strikers that fit the description but what is the most important attribute out of the lot?

    For example I could afford 3 players

    Player 1 has 20 for dribbling, however he only has 6 for pace/acceleration

    Player 2 has 6 for dribbling, however he has 20 for pace/acceleration

    Player 3 has 14 for dribbling and 14 for pace/acceleration

    Which player would be best to get out of those?

    Does Dribbling make him better even if he has less pace? or vice versa

  11. I will have to post up some screen shots of my season so far with AFC Telford. Its worth a look.

    I think I went the first 10 games without conceeding a single goal. I still havent lost and have only let in about 4 goals in total.

    I am smashing teams all over the place and although I have made loads of changes to the playing squad the players still arent anything special, but as another poster said, you can have poor players with the desired attributes and they can star for you.

  12. A few simple questions.

    1. Do I need to drag either striker into the target man selection box?

    2. Do you play them on their correct sides or opposites eg. Left footer on the left or Right footer on the left?

    3. Do you still want the smallest pitch possible? I will have to change my pitch on FMRTE so does anyone have the dimensions for the small pitch? Tyler if you have your pitch dimensions post them up please.

  13. Obviously Tyler has said he is going to potentially release a version when he feels it is good and ready, looking at the results he has achieved I think it looks ready right now.

    Im going to be starting an intensive holiday game in the next few days and although I imagine you dont want loads of requests I am happy to test it at lower league level (I always play blue square or below). I you want any testing email my profile Tyler, if you dont no problems and good luck with it.

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