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Issue Comments posted by Conoalie

  1. Having frustratingly went through all of the players to see if any would budge on their playing time and appearance fee demands... they didn't... so I hit the "ask director of football to sign recommended players", hit continue and low and behold, every single player signed a multi year youth contract with no wages or bonuses or fees... 

    What the hell?!?!

    I've uploaded 2 more save files to narrow into this youth intake issue if that helps.
    "NI Save before youth intake.fm" 
    "NI Save After youth contracts.fm"

  2. Hi Neil, I'm afraid not but this is my 2nd play through as East Fife (i got sacked within 6 months the first time!) and it has happened both times so I'd be confident that it'd happen a third time. I've uploaded a save file for the other issue I've reported but that's right at the start of my 2nd play through, which this issue then appeared in later. It's titled "East Fife U18s Broken"

  3. Don't know if things like this are being looked into now with FM23 on the horizon but just in case....

    I've started a different save to the one mentioned above, I'm now managing East Fife FC. I have a U18, U21 & Senior squad. I can move players between U18 and Senior but can't move players into U21. I can make players available for U21 games. When I sign players they land in my U21, no mater what age they are, and I have to move them into my U18s or Senior squads.

    My U21s are playing in tournament as well but I still can't put players in the squad so I'm having to just make my senior team available for it, bit of a nuisance. 

  4. 9 hours ago, Kyle Brown said:

    Could we get a save file to investigate, please?

    Ideally one before the negotiations take place if that's possible. :)



    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for getting back to me - you can close this one off or delete it if you like. I had no clue that my remaining wage budget affected the wage limitations set by the board. Turns out the higher limit appeared after I moved my transfer budget into my wage budget and I hadn't put the two things together. Noticed when I reloaded the save to show a friend.


  5. There seems to be a few issues going on (unless I'm unaware of things of course).

    Using the player Liam Mclaughlin as an example. He shows as in the U18 squad, but on loan to Fife Elite (although I don't believe its showing the loan correctly in the UI). It gives me the option to move him to my senior squad or the U18 squad (even though he's already in it). When I click to move him to the U18, nothing happens. I presume it should be giving me the option to move him to the U21 squad?

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