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Posts posted by kasap84

  1. В 11.04.2022 в 09:10, ZaZ сказал:

    Like you said, there is no exact answer. Filters from Premier League are completely different from those from Vanarama North, and even the proper filter might need some tweak to reveal enough players. What I usually do is to set 9 + (value/25) for values starting at 25, so it's 13 for 100, 12 for 75, 11 for 50 and 10 for 25. Then I might tweak numbers up or down if I'm not satisfied with results.


  2. В 18.03.2022 в 09:42, ZaZ сказал:

    Sorry for the late answer. Some guy from China made a very robust test with machine learning for this tactic and found out the most important attributes are the ones presented in the table below.


       Thanks. Which option do you think is better?

    1. For attributes 80-100 from the table, set the filter to 10, for example. For 60-75 the value is 9 (-1). For 35-55, the value is 8 or 7. And increase or decrease all attributes in the filter at the same time, depending on the level of the club and the number of players who are ready to join us.

    2. Include in the filter all 50/60 attributes from the table that are needed for a specific position

       I understand that there is no exact answer, but I would like to hear your opinion on how best to configure the attribute filter

  3. sorry, my English is bad

    ZaZ, tell me please.

    В 21.12.2021 в 10:42, ZaZ сказал:

    Role ability, or the stars showing how good a player is in his role, can be safely ignored. It's just cosmetic, showing the opinion of your assistant manager based on current ability and the role attributes. It's always gonna be low for IWB using the same foot as side, or DW with low defending attributes, despite making no difference in performance.

    Remember, the important attributes are not the ones highlighted in a player role, but those that actually impact performance as you can see in the FM-Arena table for attributes ratings.


    В 21.12.2021 в 10:42, ZaZ сказал:

    I recommend dividing attributes in three tiers to compare players. Use lower tiers only to break ties of uper tiers.
    - Tier 1: pace and acceleration.
    - Tier 2: stamina, anticipation, jumping reach, dribbling (offensive players), work rate (defensive players).
    - Tier 3: all other attributes.

    1. it means for the AF, SS, DW/AW should be: (pace, acceleration) >(stamina, anticipation, jumping reach, dribbling) > (all other attributes) ?

    2. in the FM-Arena table for attributes ratings (21) stamina, work rate, jumping reach, anticipation affect less than Agility, Morale, Playing Position Rating and others. Your message was later, does this mean that fm -arena has outdated data?

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