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Posts posted by Hibs1875_Sauzee

  1. @GIMN using this skin in my journeyman save and I know stats don’t carry over to new season, so I’m looking to dive into the world of doing spreadsheets and graphs just so I have my own copy of stats to refer to whilst recruiting new players and picking my team. 

    problem is I don’t know where to start with doing spreadsheets and graphs this woyld be my first time, would just be normal excel ? What programmes do you use?

    if anyone else in this post is doing same thing and has answers would be much appreciated cheers.

  2. So basically as in the title says I’m wondering if anyone has any idea how to use spreadsheets for making data and using graphs  and if there’s any other apps I need to use. I’ve read a few of peoples stories on football manager pages and like seeing all the fancy different graphs and want to do that in my saves to add a different take on my saves as I’m struggling get into any save.


    thanks in advance if anyone is able to help out.

  3. 1 hour ago, snowofman said:

    Here is the 1st post you need to read.. 1 thread ↓

    After you're done with the 1st thread, you will go to this post ↓

    and all ( more or less) what you need will be here

    at this point, you should be well underway to have done something in the base skin
    and now comes trial and error and lots of asking in this wonderful forum

    I wish you a happy time making your own skin and or changes to what ever you fancy

    Thanks very much for all that, tried having wee play about tonight but it’s a lot to take in and a lot to read I need a step by step and not loads of reading 😂 thinking I’ve bit of more then I can chew here

  4. 1 hour ago, Olas Nick said:

    you need time, time, time, more time .... and some more time
    in the early days, it is quite likely that you will spend 8, 10, 12 hours a day, and the result will be 0.
    if you dare, it is best to start by trying to change the standard skin. there can be many nuances with custom skins.

    Yeah I know it’s not going to be a 5 minute job, I’ve got the idea in my head and need to follow through to try it 😂, how go about starting from standard skin ? Thanks 

  5. 1 hour ago, a31632 said:

    The best way to start is use a skin you like as a base. You combine screens from other skins where you like the other skins layout or design better and implement them in your skin. By doing so you will get some basic understanding of how skinning works and what kind of work is involved.

    Starting completely “blank” if you have no knowledge or experience is very overwhelming and as you will experience skinning is VERY time consuming and some things can only be resolved by “trial and error”.

    Look for skins on various sites (fmscout, sortitoutsi, fmitalia, footballmanagergraphics and of course here for ideas and inspiration and work from there. Keep in mind that 100 people have 100 different ideas of how a skin shouldnlook like, so follow your own path and ideas.

    Thanks for the reply, this may sound daft but how do start with base of skin I like, as a says I’ve not got a clue where to start, some help put me in direction would be great as going to give it a bash tonight thanks again

  6. hi everyone, 

    as the title says ive been thinking of doing my own skin, bare with me whilst i try to explain and get it across of what im trying to achieve.

    ive not got the first clue where to start and read through few articles and to be honest even reading it went right over my head, didnt think for a minute it would be easier to do but certainly thought was more simpler than what i was reading, so brings me to my point

    so i have quite a few skins that ive used in the past and theres three in particular that have certain parts of each skin that stand out so i was thinking i could do a skin with those three main parts in the one skin. would i need to start a skin from scratch or is any chance i can do it lazy way and add files from the three skins of the parts that i like and make skin that way. if not then can someone point me in direction how to start and what programs i need in order to start

    i may also add that ive managed to take screenshots of the pages i would like to make into my skin but i dont know where on my computer they would be stored as ive never screenshotted on football manager before so this all new to me.

    thanks to anyone that able reply :thup:

  7. I’m wondering how I go about doing my own training schedules I’ve never been one for doing it or even downloading training schedules, if anyone has any advice on how to go about it would be much appreciated.

    I’ve been struggling to get into a game recently just can’t seem to get into it so going to have a look and possibly go in English league one and hopefully can be a long term save hence why a want to do training, a think if I do that and put a lot effort into it a might get the love for FM back like the old days.

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