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Posts posted by ForeverNedved

  1. Il 28/2/2023 in 13:12 , Tyburn ha scritto:

    After seeing some of the excellent adaptations of the "team squad" screen I decided to have a little play around.

    Credit to @AsMenthol for the base "team squad information facts" panel that I've messed about with.

    Thinking I might try and put it in a tabbed container at some point to see if i can manipulate the info based on the club.  Nations are an issue as a few bits of info don't pull through. Also clubs that I do not have in playable leagues. But seeing as it's just for personal use this will do for now.

    Ideally I would like to be able to get the icons i've chosen for club atmosphere, squad personality, and recent form to change colour depending on the circumstance. If anyone has any ideas on that I'd be grateful to hear.

    Not planning on sharing this verbatim, but happy to advise on any individual elements, if anyone is interested.

    P.S. It's funny how "in game" transparency shadings look better than in a screenshot :)



    What is the font name ?

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