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Issue Comments posted by tiernan.morrison1

  1. On 06/01/2022 at 17:04, Desmond Richardson said:

    We appreciate everyone is frustrated. I love video games as much as you all do. When things aren't working and all you want to do is sink some down time into your favourite game then it's incredibly annoying.

    So I do personally understand the situation you're all in and I would like to thank you for your patience. We are still liaising with Epic and we will provide a further update as soon as we can.

    I retract my apology, well over a month now it’s been broke. Absolutely shocking nonetheless and I don’t know how you can simply make it up to us, disgusting behaviour!

  2. 4 hours ago, FrazT said:

    Everybody's frustration is understood,  but that doesn't mean that you can use the forums without abiding by the basic rules of respect and civility.  The SI staff have given an update and are well aware of the depth of the issue but please ensure that you stick to the posting guidelines when posting again.

    I would like to formally apologise for my actions used in this forum, although I never used any offence words I do understand that I was just being an inpatient little brat. Anger got the better of me after the game didn’t work for the 6th night in a row. Please I ask can you update us regularly and let the fans of the great football manager 22 know what is going on, thank you. 

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