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Daniel matt

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Issue Comments posted by Daniel matt

  1. Hi, 

    It started on the 29th of October 2022 that’s when I was unable to load into a game. I then instant resulted that fixture to be clever and then on the 5/11/2022 I was unable to move forward, I kept on getting kicked out of the actual game back to the switch Home Screen. I’ve been unable to start up my game as it always kicks me off.

    But in my previous comment my career under a new user is going well… for now.

    if you need any other info please let me know.  



  2. Hi guys, 

    I’ve had this issue for a weeks now, no update has fixed this on my original save. I had all the top five leagues loaded. Same version as above.

    I got to my second season, I couldn’t load into a game, I thought I was being clever when I instant resulted the game and then continued to progress to the following week. Little did I know that my game would then crash and I was unable to load the game up again. 

    I have managed to create a new user and played FM on the new account, I am currently in 2025 and so far it’s running smoothly. 

    I have played FM on my switch for a few years and this is the first time something like this has happened, I’m a bit skeptical that I put all this time and effort into the save file just for it to crash and I have to start all over again. 

    This has been going on for a couple of months and needs to be fixed ASAP 

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