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Posts posted by Generalpotato

  1. Em 28/02/2022 em 01:37, rusty217 disse:

    Tick the "Worldwide Governing Body Full Member" box on the country's information page. Maybe add a "Year Affiliated" too.

    Not sure about Oceania, but that's usually all you'd need to do. Try it in game, although be aware it won't take effect until the 2026 qualifiers start.

    oki thanks man i will try and when the 2026 qualifiers begin i will tell that if it worked


  2. 15 horas atrás, rusty217 disse:

    Sorry for the late reply. For qualifiers it might be easier to just delete them completely from the database. I'd recommend saving under a new file name just in case, then you can go back to the old one without them deleted if anything doesn't work. Qualifiers don't usually have any history or anything set, so deleting them is much less likely to cause any issues than deleting actual competitions.

    hi man i need some help. Im trying to put kiribati as member and play qualifiers with them but i dont know how to do it, Can you help me?

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