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Issue Comments posted by Smorlax

  1. On 14.12.2021 at 22:22, Smorlax said:

    Sorry but this cannot be an excuse. I have backup saves but my backup doesn't go back to scheduling moment. So I can't play this season's schedule with my friend properly since matches are not at the same time but 15 or 30 mins apart from each other. What's your solution to this? Ok, next season schedule gets back to normal but do you expect us to go on holiday for a season. Because I can't play a season waiting each others match to finish in the same matchday. You should definitely find a way to fix it, otherwise appreciation or understanding will not work on my side. This is waste of time and money for me. Football manager is the only game I play with joy in the last 8 years. Sorry but your excuses are not valid.


    I am still waiting for a response of how you will fix wrongly scheduled fixtures. There must have been a solution. This is just so rude that you say there's no possibility of changing it. İt's been 5 days, I can't play FM and my life is tearing apart because of it.

  2. 9 saat önce, Neil Brock said:

    The next time fixtures are scheduled this will be corrected, but appreciate that could be a while away if you're playing a full season and those fixtures have been generated in that manner. 

    Sorry but this cannot be an excuse. I have backup saves but my backup doesn't go back to scheduling moment. So I can't play this season's schedule with my friend properly since matches are not at the same time but 15 or 30 mins apart from each other. What's your solution to this? Ok, next season schedule gets back to normal but do you expect us to go on holiday for a season. Because I can't play a season waiting each others match to finish in the same matchday. You should definitely find a way to fix it, otherwise appreciation or understanding will not work on my side. This is waste of time and money for me. Football manager is the only game I play with joy in the last 8 years. Sorry but your excuses are not valid.


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