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Darren Moores Mum

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Everything posted by Darren Moores Mum

  1. I'd read the Paddington films will be on (might be on the day of the funeral?) and they're bangers, so all for that.
  2. I mean, supermarkets have turned off their checkout beeps. It needs to be particularly outlandish to outdo what is actually happening.
  3. If my work is going to pay me to have a day off I'm taking it. I'm a republican not an idiot. Ridiculous argument.
  4. Well for a start there's been no evidence that the guy in Oxford was ever in threat of being assaulted. You've just assumed he was. He wasn't being protected by the police. He was handcuffed and put in the back of a van after being arrested. That doesn't sound anything like the heroic boys in blue protecting an in danger individual.
  5. I wouldn't expect to be arrested for wearing my Wednesday shirt. You tried this ****** analogy before.
  6. What are those times and places? Just so we know when people are allowed to assault others with impunity and when they're not.
  7. The hell are you on about? I've watched nothing on the TV. Why don't you try having a look at the things you're arguing about?
  8. They weren't watching a hearse. They were at a proclamation of Charles which he disagreed with, which was hundreds of miles away from where the coffin is.
  9. Goodness me: https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/guinness-world-record-artists-pay-25004888
  10. Actually defending people who want to assault somebody else because they said Charles wasn't their king. Have a word with yourself.
  11. So Center Parcs are booting people out for a night then telling them they can come back the next day? Losing their collective minds.
  12. Yeah, it's not something I expect in the near future. As with other things (reversal of Brexit for one) we're reliant on older generations dying off and the younger ones wanting change. We'll likely be onto William by that point.
  13. There are plenty of good arguments for a Republic ffs. Just because BG didn't list them in that post doesn't mean there aren't any. You choose not to listen to them.
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