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Issue Comments posted by BeeAsh

  1. They were on my switch device, but I somehow managed to force a save around the dates the game was crashing, after that save that’s when the game crashed and wouldn’t open again. So that’s why I deleted all my save date as it was my last option.

    I also had to delete everything on my memory cards when I tried to load the game up from there but that had also come corrupt.

    Ive started the game again, fingers crossed the same won’t happen.

  2. I did but the game wouldn’t start. So I had to delete all my saved data and rewonload the game and it started. 
    So regarding the update hopefully they will work but it’s gonna take me a couple Of seasons before I know if the game becomes impossible to save again or games can’t be processed.

  3. I haven’t tried with just three leagues, but in previous editions  with just 3 leagues this problem never existed so could work….

    Only once there is an update will you know if your save is lost, that’s why I always have 2 saves a month apart just in case one disappears like I’ve had in fm22.

    I know it’s really frustrating after investing time into it, fingers crossed they fix it.


  4. You done well to get to 2030, a lot of us can’t get past 2023.

    Me personally, I’m just hoping there is an update soon which solves the issue, and from what I read on twitter etc is it’s very common problem.

    Regarding the save, I had the same issue as well where it just wouldn’t load and then just disappeared completely. Do you have any saves which are loadable on memory card?




  5. Strange as I’ve never experienced these problems with previous editions on the Switch. 
    It’s a shame as the game itself is great but it’s just unplayable. I often find support for games on the Nintendo pretty poor when the game is more popular on other consoles.

  6. To add a bit more information on the crashing and bugging.

    Anything after the 28th September 2024 seems impossible to save or play the game as it’s meant to be played, plus saves with this date do not load either. So basically all data seems lost.


  7. 24th September 2024 is the season date of the last save.
    After this any save will cause a freeze or crash. I can turn the automatic save off and continue playing but I can only use instant results to progress through the game otherwise it will crash processing the match.

    I have restarted, redownloaded the software, removed my memory card, checked for bugs etc but nothing changes.

    Even tried short “go on holiday” breaks to hopefully bypass but no luck. 

    I have 5 nations running, England, Spain, Germany, Brazil and Italy running and I’m managing Barnet if that helps.

    The pink loading bar when the game saves or processes will always freeze around the 90% mark.


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