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The RawK

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Posts posted by The RawK

  1. So Enzo Fernandez got a 10 points upgrade on his total PA by getting in the plane in Lisbon to London for the sake of never winning a match again with his new team, the FM database-amazing Chelsea team (how can you profile/emulate reality of such a team disaster on the game???), in the meantime the rest of his former team, with very humble attributes (of course the one moving to the PL is the really good one, the others were crappy...), continues to win everything in the League and in the Champions League...

  2. I am betting that Enzo Fernandez just had a dream and captured some extra skills while sleeping in the plane flying from Lisbon to London... The FM database after the winter update will consider him with a PA of 174 (+10 at least, he just moved to the PL, he became different)

  3. 3 horas atrás, dannyfc disse:

    Biased against who? You realise it's a Benfica fan who will be setting the attributes and abilities for Ramos? 

    I think you are misinformed, all Benfica fans and FM## gamers are outraged at the database evaluations of the Portuguese players for years, the fact is, once they have a transfer to the PL/La Liga their PA increases 25% just by getting in the plane... want some evidence? Compare Bernardo Silva, Ruben Dias, João Cancelo, Bruno Fernandes, Diogo Jota, Ruben Neves, João Palhinha, Matheus Nunes, Nuno Tavares, Pedro Neto, Ricardo Pereira, for instance, their PA  from 7-10 years ago with their PA now...don't even mention the hilarious example of CR7 long ago, some PA150 before the 1st move to ManUnited...

  4. The toughest challenge this year is to be able to achieve the same level of performance of the real manager of SL Benfica Roger Schmidt, (according to FM database creators the man deserves a prize-nobel in tactics...) which is so far, 25 matches played and not one single defeat YET, only 4 draws conceded, and playing competition matches since the pre-knock-out stages of the Champions League, on top of that, Group Leader at the CL,being able not to be defeated against the humble likes of PSG and Juventus... (Try that with the under-rated FM23 Benfica team...)... it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE TO IMITATE IN FM23 (so far, since the database was made by the usual PT Haters) THE REAL DELIVERY OF THE TEAM WITHOUT MASSIVE TRANSFERS IN. IT IS RIDICULLOUS for years THE CA/PA attributed to top players in the PT league, this year the likes of GONÇALO RAMOS (!!! a 21 YO striker already at the world cup...), RAFA SILVA, Neres just to mention Benfica players (FCPorto was top of the CL group as well, try that with the Porto FM23 team...): I WISH Benfica gets to play REAL Madrid on the CL to make you all swallow your usual biased work on the database!! CRonaldo, Luis Figo, and the entire legion of PT league players having success abroad support my claim, all were regular under 150PA  FM## players until they moved elsewhere in ENG/ESP/GER/FRA/ITA... The "Potencial " was always there... was not increased elsewhere, that's your own definition... applied generously to crappy teens from the UK but missed a lot elsewhere

  5. I'm for years waiting for the possibility of playing friendly matches P2P against other "real"/human managers, online FM games so far are not working because it is required to play game seasons for many hours/days, the same leagues, and several players will have basically to live in a compatible Schedule, too demanding , a player from Japan will never have the same life Schedule of someone from Europe. 

    The problem so far is that to play online some saved game you will have to force others to live on your schedule, and since FM series are very demanding on playtime online FM careers will never be a long save...on the other hand if one could play just a friendly match here and there online against other "waiting for a friendly match" human managers I think one could have the feeling of having a real challenge on your tactics/squad against other non-AI-software manager, most games allow something like this, and I guess that "very long experienced" players of the FM series get bored after some months, because the AI competition from the game is somehow always "easy" to beat after a while. This would refresh the entire FM experience, and take the fun of this game into new levels. I never understood why it is not like that already for more than 10 years.This experience could be improved by allowing visitors to see these "online" friendly matches for the sake of learning or just appreciatte other tactics/squads deliverance...

    Hope it is implemented one day, It is depressing realising how poor is the current online experience of this game and how much could it be improved with a simple step like this one...



  6. I am playing the Cm/FM series for more than 20 years now, for every new game , in due time, gets to be easy to achieve, and ...kind of boring in due time...the ability to play and test my/new tactics against other "real" managers would open an huge new world, some P2P friendly  match, even better if visitors could enter under invitation and watch the game exactly as we can already do with other teams matches. Online games against other managers so far are not working because you have to sincronize your entire life for it to work, after some days everybody gets totally annoyed of waiting for others aso, aso, one solution less ambitious would be not to play together entire seasons but just friendly matches, the situation of the squad (injuries/tired aso) would be delivered back to carreer save after the online match. This would be the major revolution and fun upgrade in this game since the split CM/FM some 20 years ago. If all sorts of games allow this possibility why does FM not allow this obvious fun excellence feature?

  7. Em 07/04/2018 em 20:34, decapitated disse:

    There's been quite a few requests recently (by myself) for more leagues to be made playable on future editions of football manager by default

    in a thread requesting the Estonian league be added @michaeltmurrayuk stated the following are reasons why leagues might be added

    I think the 2nd reason (commerical sales) is something we as the fanbase on the forum can help the team at SI with by having a poll on which leagues would make us more likely to purchase the game (I'm always surprised by how many people are a couple or several editions of FM behind the most recent one) if they were added. When voting in the three polls I have created, you can select as many answers as you like, but think carefully about whether that particular league would have an actual effect on you buying the game. Some will, but not all of them. If there are leagues I have not mentioned (I went by the strongest leagues not featured for the two countries questions) then feel free to mention them in the comments.

    How about the ability to play P2P friendly matches against other "human" managers? That would be a revolution with explosive interest...

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