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Issue Comments posted by CameronFM

  1. 13 hours ago, L1ghtn1n said:

    @CameronFM Did your prize money get fixed with this update? I just tried starting a new game and it still the old values.

    Yeah it looks to be ok in mine but unsure if that is more to do with a custom DB in place?

    I originally had to delete all database files I had in place, then reinstall them and reboot the game. So I am really unsure if the patch released by SI fixes the prize money, or if it is the database I have in place now.

  2. On 11/11/2021 at 17:08, Kyle Brown said:

    We are liaising with our research team to double check the values are correct, it's under investigation. :) 

    Any update Kyle? Update today still has the existing values in place; doesn't seem right at all that the Russian First Division earns more.


    EDIT: For some reason my game hadn't updated with the new values. Bizarre. Please ignore Kyle!

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