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Posts posted by UtdRaz

  1. 1 minute ago, 04texag said:

    Awesome. Those are some good sounding tweaks. I think the issue with using City is that they really don't have the personnel up top IMO. At time Ferran Torres looked great for me, and I really like him as a player, but I don't think he is a big enough presence to really pull defenders around. You plug a high reputation elite striker in, it'll play way different. The DLF change makes sense to force that issue some, a TF would do it too I think.

    I think it's interesting with the balls over the top. I did see it some when playing as city, but with every other team I've used this tactic with, it has been the most defensively stable tactic I think I've ever made (high possession pressing tactics). But of course, do what works for your game, and it makes sense to leave counter pressing on but drop to standard. You'll save your players stamina as well.

    I bought Belotti for the meant time before I go in for Haaland or Mbappe or probably Vlahovic next season. But he’s been so good, once I changed the role to DLF immediately I could see a difference. Who do you think I should go for out of those 3 strikers?? Who would best suit the system?

  2. 1 hour ago, 04texag said:

    I've actually been having better results outside of the premier league with this tactic. I think with some of the new marking ai, cb are really good at closing down space and passing Lanes. I think crossing is still overpowered in the new ME and this tactic is like the opposite of what is working really well in the FM22 me. 

    Outside of the PL with a top team, where the average defense is lesser, this tactic is shredding. Or, in FM21, it's working wonders there. 

    I made a few tweaks and I’ve seen some improvements, so here’s what I did;

    1. I changed the CF(s) to DLF(a) and it’s helped drag out CBs for the Mez to run into. The DLF also hold ups play and helps in build up too which I like.

    2. I dropped the line of engagement to standard & those balls over the top aren’t a problem anymore.

    3. I’ve also stopped using OI and somehow it has helped.

    4. I also changed the mentality to Positive and this has made it exactly to my taste.

    My only challenge so far is the lack of goals.

  3. 4 hours ago, 04texag said:

    Hey, good stuff. Thanks for the feedback. 

    1. I haven't had those issues, maybe just with low percentage passes you have been unlucky with them so far?

    2. Go ahead and give mixed crosses a go, should be fine. Crosses are in fact annoying with the frequency of the match engine showing a blocked cross. I don't have an answer here

    3. Try a few tweaks through OI, opposition instructions. I always select to mark tighter on a single forward, the most advanced if 2. I have also been marking to close down more the midfield, and then show onto the weak side foot for the FBs. Those things might help some.

    The major issues I run into re: passing are poor long passes(switching play), very poor through balls and I think it’s the ME because City have very technical players, De Bruyne, Silva, Foden & co. but always overhit the through balls.

    I’m also thinking of dropping the defensive line(line of engagement) down to standard, teams just go long and don’t bother trying to play, maybe that will prevent a lot of those balls in behind but I don’t know if it will mean the ball has to travel a longer distance(from CBs to Mezzalas)

    We are finding it hard converting chances, we create not so much but when we create chances they are usually of the highest quality but I noticed our finishing is poor, half the time they are passing the ball to the keeper.

    I watch the game on comprehensive so I’m able to see all these issues.

  4. 1 minute ago, Bismack said:

    have you bought players or are you using the original squad? 
    I was going to test the tactic in the second half of the season after making some transfers because I'm not sure the Newcastle players are suited to this tactic 

    Yeah I bought a whole new starting line up. Almada, Bennacer, Belotti, Oscar(Sevilla), Lodi, Mancini, Lacroix, Menino, Weigl.

  5. 5 hours ago, 04texag said:

    I apologize for getting overly upset about this. I think it's some hang on from last year, but not you specifically. I did a Barca replication, from one very specific look, and very few people on these forums will actually load up what you're saying and try it before offering tons of advice about trying it differently. 

    I remember your name from before and you've been a great addition in the past, so I apologize for taking things personally. I think I was frustrated yesterday as I was really close to posting that this tactic is probably one of my absolute favorite recreations, playing brilliantly in both FM21 and FM22, and no one will even give it a shot. That's not on you but me.

    I’m giving it a shot with City and to be honest the movements are really good, I’ve seen why you insist on using an Anchorman.  I tried using a HB but I didn’t like how he moved and helped in build up. My only concerns so far are;

    1. The through balls are most of the time over hit (I think it’s the ME) so scoring is pretty difficult.

    2. I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t like low crosses or rather I’m the only one that Low crosses doesn’t work for. 90% of the crosses are blocked. How do you get them to work? I’m desperate at this point haha

    3. This isn’t really a concern but I’m 3  games in and I noticed teams are going long against us, this has happened with Everton, Leicester and United (they had McTominay sent off), and so far are they are getting in behind easily. I don’t know if it’s because the team is still getting used to the tactic.

    All in all, I think so far you’ve nailed it and I’m excited to see where this goes and the many other tweaks you’d make to the tactic.

    Just to add to this, I used this tactic in my Newcastle save for 3 games and my team played some really beautiful stuff, maybe due to the fact that the teams I faced didn’t sit back so I was able to exploit the spaces. My last game was vs Spurs and I lost 5-1. Most of the goals were because my players were pressed and lost the ball or because they were under pressure they made the wrong pass, and we got countered.

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