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Posts posted by leo2r

  1. 15 minutes ago, Jack Joyce said:

    Hey all, thanks for your feedback so far, especially those who have provided bug reports with PKMs. Just wanted to respond to a couple of reported issues here:

    You've made 13 posts in this feedback thread about this issue last night, but I can't find any bug report or PKMs provided with examples for us to look at. If you really want to help us work on a fix for your issue here, the best way is to make a bug report and provide us with as much information as possible so we can investigate. This thread is for general feedback/thoughts, one person repeatedly posting the same message over and over just makes it harder for us to gauge public sentiment and isn't fair on other people who want their voices to be heard.

    We need a lot of examples for these sorts of issues. As much as we want to make sure that every single statistic in the game is 100% in line with real life figures, the most important thing is how the ME plays and feels. There's no point having us balance out every single number if the actual match you see feels off. Changes like this are very risky so please do provide PKMs and we can use them as part of our investigations for the future.

    Thank you for making a bug report with some examples - please continue to update your thread with the best examples you find and we'll investigate. However I'm a bit confused - you keep saying that you loved the dribbles in the previous ME, but you also made the same bug report about dribbling pre-update, and we've not really made any significant changes to dribbling direction for this update. Is this definitely an issue you're only seeing now?

    But again, you've posted your feedback about dribbling 8 times last night, we read all the messages so there's no need to keep repeating yourself! You've made a bug report which is the correct course of action, please remember let other people have a chance to post their own feedback and we will look at your bug report. Thanks

    But it's not a bug per se is it? You guys are already fully aware of the insane pass numbers since the update.. you guys literally posted a couple of weeks ago that this ME wasn't going to be released due to this (CB's racking up 300 passes per game), so why would I waste time providing PKM's for something you clearly know exists? The ME played much better pre-patch and had more realistic numbers, this seems like a huge backwards step reverting back to FM22-esque engine jsut because a few people on here moaned about long balls. Pre-patch I was using a tactic with short passing, getting 83% passing accuracy and my players very rarely played pointless long balls, and the defensive issues were not that common.  Now, after the patch, league two/non league teams are managing nearly 600-700+ completed passes per game, every game. This doesn;t look good or provide any realism at all, that's why I'm annoyed. You released an initial ME with bugs but I could put up with them because the ME was clearly taking huge strives forward, now you've gone all the way back and it's really sad tbh

  2. 39 minutes ago, mielony said:


    Insane passing numbers from the CB's... strange because that sounds familiar. Ahhh yes, SI told us they had an internal ME where CB's completed unrealistically high amounts of passes and that's why they didn't release it.. right? So that begs the question as to why on earth have they still released it.. after literally explaining why it shouldn't be released? Anyone want to respond or you just gonna ignore everyone? @Michael Sant @Neil Brock @CJ Ramson

  3. 14 minutes ago, CARRERA said:

    One of the Headline features was to create the chaotic of football in the ME and now they went back to tiki-taka for everyone?!

    What happened?

    They bottled it and reverted to the FM22 match engine with a few tweaks. I genuinely would've preferred it if they kept the initial ME with the defensive bugs if it meant not having this FM22 version. The fact they've completely done a U-Turn on what was a much improved ME (with a couple of fixable bugs) is sad. 

  4. 13 hours ago, damjanovski said:

    Please stop just seeing the stats and watch the game. The ME is much improved with the latest patch. There are higher amount of passes because the game is more quicker. But. In every other aspect the ME is better!

    i am watching the game, and it's unwatchable. It's like watching FM22 all over again. Passing teams no longer misplace a pass, ping it around making 30-40 passes in a row in pretty much all game no matter what team it is. Every passing team plays like spain/barcelona, even teams with 4th tier level players. Why would i want to watch that? How is this realistic in any way?


    13 hours ago, damjanovski said:

    Please stop just seeing the stats and watch the game. The ME is much improved with the latest patch. There are higher amount of passes because the game is more quicker. But. In every other aspect the ME is better!

    also why did they need to make the game quicker? Not one person moaned about that or raised it as a bug? Before the patch the match speed was perfect, that's why passing stats were normal. Now every game is played 100mph constant short passes all game long its unbearable to watch or try to enjoy

  5. 3 minutes ago, anagain said:

    i wouldn't have an issue if it was spain who had high passing numbers, the problem is that it's bang average teams who are having 900 passing attempts. Using the best passing team in the world as an example to dispute my claim is a bit silly. Yes I did say no team in world football, but let's be honest only Spain would ever have these kind of stats. In FM it's every team in every league and when comparing their stats with real life it's nearly double the amount of passes in FM. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, greenz81 said:

    Are you running Full-detail in your game? Ive got full detail on all my leagues. Ive glanced at a few teams... seems ok to me. Only played two games so far i might add

    yeah i am. and every league i've checked i've seen at least one or two teams with 850+ passes since the update, checked their previous games and they had nowhere near this amount. Checking real life stats no team in world football ever attempts almost 900 passes, now with this update it happens every gameweek. Games are unbearable to watch because it no longer resembles real football in any way whatsoever. This was the major issue with FM22 and it's now in this game. And the tempo of the games is ridiculously high now meaning the amount of passes attempted is stupidly high.

  7. 42 minutes ago, pow4h said:

    Didn,t notice aby problem with passes. Played two games - one game 76% vs 83% accuracy, second game both teams under 80% accuracy.

    And number of passes between 400-500


    Teams have gone from having 500 attempted passes per game to 800+. It's just one touch perfect ping passing all game, and I'm talking about average teams, ridiculously high and would NEVER happen IRL. They have completely ruined the game and taken any realism out of it when all they had to do was make the defenders not act like 4 year olds. I guess because idiots on here were moaning their teams played long balls from time to time, which happens in real ife, they've now switched to tiki-taka 900 pass per game nonsense. FM22 V2.  Wish there was a way to roll back this update. Awful

  8. This update has completely killed any amount of realism the game had. All you had to do was fix the few bugs (that the game shouldn't have been released with) but you've somehow managed to completely ruin passing and reverted back to the FM22 one touch perfect passing nonsense with teams not misplacing one pass. Absolute garbage to watch. Just had a random spanish 3rd tier team finish the game with 94% passing accuracy (With my high pressing) with 800 attempted passes. My team also attempted way more passes than usual, up to unrealistic levels


    Oh and defenders are still doing dumb stuff and my goalkeeper has forgotten how to save a shot going at 2mph that's hit right at him. Congrats guys! Not only was the first release filled with bugs you've now gone backwards!

  9. 1 minute ago, Domoboy23 said:

    The match engine is really really good. (Coming from someone who loves clean sheets and 1-0's) And I've had huge gripes with each one since FM13!

    Agree - this ME is the most realistic one yet, just a couple of tweaks needed and it will be perfect - HUGE improvement from FM22, the tiki taka football played by every team and amount of passes by average teams was crazy in FM22, completely unrealistic and I couldn't take the game seriously, this for me was the main thing they needed to fix which they have. Stats also much improved and much more realistic now. If they iron out the couple of bugs without it effecting the current positives in the ME it will be great. Just really hope they don't give in to the moaners requesting a refund and completely revert the ME back to FM22 which people enjoyed, but real football fans didn't enjoy it because it was unrealistic to turn a non league team into a better version of prime Barca completing 600+ passes per game.

  10. Random question - but can any of the devs please confirm the "speed to process other teams matches" option? It's set to "Fast" by default.


    Will changing it to Slow or Normal produce different results in these matches or do these options have no effect on the actual scoreline of the other matches, just to do with processing speed? Really interested to get a definitive answer on this.



  11. My biggest fear was they would revert to FM22 ME, where English tier 3 teams attempt 900+ passes per game and every team including non league teams have average of 88% passing accuracy, which is completely ridiculous. This ME is good just needs a couple of tweaks and it will be near perfection. I'd rather them take their time than just revert back or fix one issue and loads more bugs come with it. At the same time the clear bugs that do exist really should've been sorted pre-beta IMO, or within the last couple of weeks but understand how complex ME changes are, but waiting a couple of months and making a major ME update seems a bit of a strange way to do things.

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