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Posts posted by boey

  1. On 29/04/2024 at 21:29, Enzu225 said:

    It is not realistic that when you are both the club and national team manager at the same time, you can take care of the club's training. If you are both club and national team manager, there should be an option to assign a coach to take over your duties for when you are away from the club (which would also affect training). The period should be when you submit the squad for the national team games and when the games end, as realistically you would be with the national team at that time.

    This problem could be fixed by first coding into the game an unavailability mechanic for when the club and country's fixtures/training clash, and then you have to choose between the two

    Then, under staff responsibilities for both club and country should be an option to have "Delegate training to coach when unavailable" and "Delegate matches to coach when unavailable" categories, where you can select a specific coach to be your second in command.

  2. Perhaps this could be tied into the squad planner feature. That feature already has a ranking system for players in each position for the current, which could be used for what you're asking.

    This means that each tactic would have a squad planner-like feature, where you'd rank your first, second, third etc. choices for players in each position, and they'd automatically adjust around when switching to the tactic

  3. So, IRL there are many instances of players who have to change the way they play due to certain factors such as injury, age, or both. This means that they may lose their skill in one sector (often physical attributes), and then have to improve in other sectors to adapt their game.

    Examples include

    Leroy Sane, who became a much more creative player after his ACL injury affected his speed (A lot of examples are similar to this, players losing their pace and improving their technicals to compensate)

    CR7, who became more of a poacher after injuries affected his dribbling ability


    Of course, this is already available in-game as you can focus training on certain attributes. But this level of attribute change in the game is only really possible for young, high-potential players (and players with the late bloomer media description), whereas this scenario is usually for players that are in their mid-20s at least.

    The feature would include a discussion with a player to change his playstyle, maybe made available after an injury or natural physical decline etc. Then, whether the player would respond well and actually improve would be determined by their Determination, Ambition, Professionalism, and Versatility attributes, as well as if they have enough gap between their PA and CA to allow for such growth.

    Another slightly different example is Mohamed Salah. He has not significantly declined physically yet, and hasn't suffered any major injuries. However, due to a mixture of great coaching, incredible professionalism, and work ethic, he has developed his game to be much more creative and unselfish as before. This could be seen to anticipate his physical decline. Perhaps the feature could allow for the discussion to be made with any player, but only those with extremely high professionalism, determination, versatility, and ambition attributes, as well as low controversy attributes would react well.

    The conversation could include multiple options, such as
    "You're getting old, you should change the way you play" which would only work for players who are approaching the end of their prime

    "There is a lot of competition in your position, and I think you could benefit from a change of playing style." I had something like Joelinton in mind regarding this, as in FM, he had a huge increase in his defensive stats after his position change.

    "I'm playing a style of football that you don't currently have the ability to play, but I want you to try and change that" Perhaps something like what ten Hag tried with De Gea, which obviously didn't work but I'm sure that there's been some example of this which I can't think of

  4. Currently, we have the player categories for set pieces such as aerial threats, box threats, creators, recovery defenders on attacking set pieces etc.

    It would be great to have our own custom categories set. For example, I might want to have my most aggressive players marking the goalkeeper on attacking corners, or I might want to include passing & vision for recovery defenders, especially if I'm trying to break down a low block

    The feature would include entirely new categories, and then another page to specify attributes to look for, which would determine how the set piece coach determines the player list 

    For example, I would like a category for creative defenders. I would create the category, name it something like 'Creative Defenders' and then indicate what the attributes to look for are (ranked by how important):
    1. Passing

    2. Vision

    3. Anticipation

    4. Positioning

    5. Pace

    6. Acceleration

  5. On 09/01/2024 at 06:38, benjones said:

    Also I think it would be great if you could create your own backstory in game. IE could have won multiple trophies or whatever before you start so not every game is your first job in management. Would be great if you wanted to start at a club without constant questions about it being your first job in management etc. 

    Great idea 

  6. On 09/01/2024 at 21:41, MasterFolke said:

    Im playing with Barcelona, like 4 seasons in and i have 400m in the bank, and we have like 250m left on the loan that shall be repayed in 2031, it doesnt feel unrealistic that we could repay the loan earlier, it would be a nice feature if you could get the question from the board like "would you consider a smaller transferbudget next year so we could repay the outstanding loan?"

    Financially, it may not always make sense for a business to clear its debt using current funds. Debt does not mean a company is poor. One such example is if the loan was taken out with favourable interest rates, and the company believes that it can earn more money by investing its money rather than using it to clear off debt.


    It is possible for a club in-game to clear debt due to high balance, but it's completely up to the board.

  7. On 03/01/2024 at 17:12, Lod said:

    Something that would be very good to have in the football manager would be that when the team loses the ball, have the option to put a second tactic or choose for the team to be more closed, that is, have choice for the defensive width when you lose the ball.

    Could be a big improvement.

    Already exists. Trap Outside is to have a narrow defensive width. Trap Inside is for wide defensive width. No instruction for normal width.

  8. On 05/01/2024 at 00:06, etienne.martin said:

    2) Chose where to live by every club: Buying a house (and sell it or note by leaving the club) or renting a flat our staying in a hotel room 

    This could be expanded upon. If you live in Croatia but work in London, you'd have increased travel times, therefore increased fatigue and decreased coaching effectiveness, team talks, match shouts etc.

  9. On 05/01/2024 at 21:09, tezcatlipoca665 said:

    I'd argue you can't really tell if somebody has good shooting accuracy if they don't ever prove that they do, which is why I think it shouldn't even be shown in the game.

    You can see how well a player finishes in training, where there is little pressure to perform. Shooting drills can easily isolate a player's ability down to a few skills, like Finishing, Technique.

    In a match, a player's goal scoring ability does not only rely on such skills, as composure, anticipation, off-the-ball etc. are needed to perform under pressure and get into the necessary attacking positions. That's the idea behind the attribute system.


    I've personally started ignoring attributes more and more and looking mostly at player statistics and performance ratings, but it's very difficult and long-winded to play that way in the game with how stats are currently presented. It definitely makes a difference though.

    You can download attribute-less skins, and play in that manner. It's a completely valid way to play, although the stats could be more in-depth.

    I kind of agree that the numbers don't really mean much, but it's a video game. You can't expect the majority of your player base to launch the game and work as professional data analysts and scouts to sign some virtual footballers.

  10. I have two major gripes with upgrading facilities at the moment. This includes Youth Coaching and Youth Recruitment.


    1. Upgrading facilities is too easy, and can be requested too often.

    I am currently managing West Brom, and I am halfway through the 2024/25 season. I have managed to get their facilities to the maximum bar youth facilities, which is currently at 18/20. This level of growth is unrealistic, as it would take tens of millions of dollars to develop state-of-the-art training facilities (see Liverpool's AXA training facility), and only teams that have had consistent success for years or decades are able to make such investments.

    2. No option to build entirely new facilities, as is possible with stadiums

    It's incredibly unrealistic for a club in real life to make adjustments every few months to improve their mediocre facilities to become state-of-the-art. There should be a limit to how many times you can "upgrade" a facility, before the only option would be to build an entirely new one. Furthermore, upgrading facilities should not be possible so often, such as within weeks of the previous upgrade completion. It should not be possible for a club in the fourth division of England to develop state-of-the-art facilities in a few years. Players should be training in a training facility, not a construction site.


  11. 3 hours ago, phnompenhandy said:

    You're a wee bit ahead of the curve there. This is a new tactic that will become popular, like inverted wingbacks in the next year or two. We'll want to see more keepers dribbling outside the area, too.

    Yeah, I figured that since Leipzig is the only top flight major team using it, the game might not implement it yet. 

    Realistically, once Pep starts using it, it'll be implemented into FM.

  12. Title says all, most of my player retirements have occurred before a contract expires. If that happened IRL, many teams would be incredibly upset. Imagine making a calculated decision on transfer fee, contract length, wage etc., just for the player to decide halfway through the contract to stop playing? It's frustrating and does not make sense, unless the player is deeply unhappy with their playing time and is approaching the end of their career.

    Furthermore, if a player was not playing enough, would they not mind spending 1-2 more years collecting a paycheck, rather than retiring and voiding it?

    I've also seen a fair few screenshots of players retiring days, weeks, months, or even minutes after signing for a team.

  13. 14 hours ago, jdmk88 said:

    I've never like starting my saves with a high profile team because you're always seen as "inexperienced" by the media and players, plus the manager you take over from appears to be sacked for no apparent reason. Overall, it always feels unrealistic to me and takes away from the immersion. 

    To fix this, it would be great to take over as a current manager, instead of creating a new profile. For example, playing as Eric Ten Hag at man utd and trying to turn his fortunes around. 

    Posted this before, and they said the main issue was licensing/legal-related. I figure it may have something to do with the 'additional comments' feature in interviews, as well as general interaction with media/players? 

    I feel like that could be stripped down to accommodate for this feature, since interviews and media interaction is usually unimportant to most players' saves anyway.

  14. First of all, there's no option to add an individual training for a player to train his tackling, which does not make much sense. Players can train their tackling ability IRL.

    Second of all, I think there should be an option to train more specific attributes, rather than to group several attributes together. For e.g. Strength and Jumping Reach, Finishing & Long Shots, Heading & Bravery


  15. 2 minutes ago, MRC said:

    With that said, 23, while late, I don't think should be the end of it for late bloomers. I'm thinking significant development even starting at 25/26, where your usual player kinda enters their prime and stops with the massive, massive progress before eventually stagnating more or less.

    I agree

  16. On 25/11/2023 at 04:46, MRC said:

    I'd also propose to do something similar for "Late bloomers", people outside the norm who suddenly hit the ground running at 24 or 25 like others do at 18, 19 or 20. It should be rare, but it should happen on occasion.

    They're in the game already (somewhat). Players with high PAs and a lot of room to grow can start growing at much later ages now, although less common. I've had wonderkids stagnate from 18-22 then start growing rapidly at 23/24.

  17. I've noticed that AI managers do not often change formations/playstyles unless their preferred one isn't working well. However, certain managers IRL do change their formation and playstyle based on the opponent.

    One example is Thomas Frank of Brentford. He often plays with a 4-3-3 in games where they try to dominate, against teams that will sit back against them. He then almost always switches to a 5-3-2 to sit back against bigger teams. This preference is actually reflected in-game, as 4-3-3 is his preferred attacking formation, and 5-3-2 is his preferred defensive formation. However, they tend to play 4-3-3 no matter the opponent, and the tactic is not adjusted much.

    Other examples are Carlo Ancelotti, Thomas Tuchel, and Jose Mourinho.

    A new trait for "Alters tactic for opponent" or something similar could help solve the problem. A manager's Tactical Knowledge attribute and Flexibility hidden attribute could determine how much/how well they change their tactic for the opponent. This trait would be assigned to coaches which are more pragmatic and play according to their opponent's playstyle, like the examples I've given

  18. On 13/09/2023 at 01:43, snowofman said:

    I understand where you're coming from, but it's not really a managers call... and as as this is a football manager game and not a club manager..

    It's not realistic for the manager to have control over facility upgrades, assigning scouts, affiliate clubs, expanding/ building stadiums etc. However, they're in the game.

    If I can already request for facility upgrades, why can't I request for completely new facilities? Seems like a minor feature addition which doesn't take away from any realism currently in the game

  19. Right now, to upgrade your training or youth facilities, you can request that the board upgrades them. This means that they receive a small upgrade, and often for a small-ish fee.

    However, there should be an option to build completely new facilities. This would increase the rating of the facility to increase significantly, but would take longer and cost more.

    Should be an option for clubs with strong financial position and/or below-average facilities

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