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Posts posted by Four_Eyed_Matt

  1. 18 minutes ago, jPKroniK said:

    Hello Dan. I do not own a Netflix account and neither do I plan to purchase one. If next year's iteration is available only on those terms, I will forfeit the purchase of the Mobile version for the 1st time since 2018 and look for an alternative for my soccer management fix elsewhere. Thank you

    I would have thought that other sites will supply a database update for Mobile 23 and completely ignore the 24 version now.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    (wipes tears from his eyes ;) )

    Yes we care a lot about the mobile version and the team do our best to make the game as compelling and enjoyable as possible each year.

    With regards to promoting it, that isn't really the area for myself as a developer - but I think we get fairly decent exposure and there are obviously a fair few people enjoying the game so we must be doing something right?

    PS - More details of the mobile game will come out in due course, but they tend to come out closer to the release traditionally, I hope you enjoy the game when it is out, I'm quite pleased with how it's shaping up :D

    It was by no means a dig at yourself or the development team, for a mobile version of a main game it more than punches above its weight. I just wish the mobile version got the kudos it deserves. Guess it my own perception is the issue. Thank you for the hard work yuo continually put in.

  3. This is in no way a dig at the incredible team that create and improve the mobile version every year. This is aimed more at the fact that there is hardly ever any fanfair regarding the mobile version, no promotional sneak peeks or images to whet your appetite, even the links at the top of this page still say pre register for the 2021 version.

    I know the main game is where all of the money is invested and SI have to promote that heavily but we are capable of absorbing more than one thing and just a little thought supporting the mobile version, even with screenshots, would be appreciated. At the rate this is going, there may be some promotional drop the week before release if that or are SI banking on the fact that it’s a feed it to the pigs approach and will sell well anyway.

    Sorry for the rant, I was a user of the old forums about 15 years ago and am quite a passionate player of the mobile version and just felt the need to create an account to say this.

    Please delete as appropriate.

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