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Issue Comments posted by Four_Eyed_Matt

  1. On 23/11/2022 at 15:16, Ewan Aiton said:

    Hello @Four_Eyed_Matt. Would you be able to tell us where the screen-side camera is in relation to your screenshots?



    The camera on the left. I have just upgraded to a Pixel 7 and it is exactly the same but with more of the screen missing. I don't know whether this is just affecting Pixel devices.

  2. 1 hour ago, Desmond Richardson said:

    Can you please try the following for me?

    Go into Settings > User Interface and turn Stretch screen on. Please let me know how you get on.



    It was already enabled when I checked the setting. Turning it off made the game about the size of a postage stamp on my screen. From reading forums it might be a Pixel issue rather than the game itself. Thank you for trying!

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