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Druid DR

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Posts posted by Druid DR

  1. 3 hours ago, Marko1989 said:

    Same story every year :D Most of the comments are negative, but yet we will all buy the game. I don't even care about new features anymore. I have more than enough features and tools in the game already to have fun, I just want graphics to stop being from '90s because of the immersion. I can't play 2D anymore, I need 3D engine to be watchable. If the performance is the issue, give people more graphic options to disable for those who don't care about looks, there are no excuses anymore

    Same for me.  I'm at the point where I could care less about new features.  Most of them get used once or twice and ignored afterward in anycase.  These days I'm less interested in micromanagement and more drawn to sitting down to watch a game of football in 3D.  The 3D match day experience has been neglected for the past 5 or 6 versions now, in fact it got worse after FM17. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, JamieTC13 said:

    2d, yeah managers watch their team that way don't they, why have 3d then, i don't think you know what you're talking about, as managing is exactly about watching your team play. Isn't it supposed to be a representation of real life.


    Yes the "game play" is the foundation for everything and the priority, but the match day experience - which is supposed to be the visual representation of that game play - is important to plenty of players, but sadly the visuals for it after FM17 took a big step back.    Hopefully SI will re-hire an art team for FM23 and get it back to how it once looked.

  3. 8 minutes ago, forameuss said:

    There would be several single-spaced A4 pages full of stuff I would rather they tackled before they even thought about how a match looks.

    To each their  own.  But Football Manager to me isn't just about stats and numbers on a screen.  I like all that stuff too, and look forward to the new features, but the bottom line for me is after all is said and done (buying players, making tactics, training etc), I like to watch the game unfold in 3D because what happens on the pitch is the pinnacle of everything that we do as managers during the build up to any particular match.  If you're the type of player that instant results or likes to skim though a season asap then I can understand why match graphics don't register.   But for those who like the match day experience as much as the stats and facts, and if the visuals are poor, then its a bit of an anti-climax.  Which is a shame, because like I said, at one time the visuals were pretty good.

  4. I'd hope politics is left out of FM altogether.  Its a slippery slope.  Thousands of civilians have died in Yemen over the past 7 years thanks to Saudi Arabia bombings, is Saudi to be removed from the game too?  Like I said, its a slippery slope.  Where do game devs draw their moral line?

    Bringing world politics into a football video game is a bad move.  Of course if SI are subject to FIFA or UK govt. directives, then that's a different story, its not their call and they're obliged to do what's asked.

  5. On 16/05/2021 at 12:48, Toshevbgg said:

    I am looking to play some of the older FM games?

    Which one would say has the best engine last few years ? I thinK I have all games bought except 17 or 18 I have to check steam

    All versions are flawed so I guess it depends on what you consider the best for you, and the one you find the most fun.

    FM2017 was the most enjoyable all round version for me as its graphically better than all the others and the engine is fine if you don't purposely use overpowered tactics - which is the exact same case on pretty much all versions to be honest.   They all have their strengths and weaknesses, so you won't find a "best" version, as its all subjective.

  6. FM17 for me. It was also by far the best looking 3D match engine with a large variety of good-looking stadiums (more than what we have today), better looking pitches, and the lighting was the best of all the FM series.  Everything after 17 has been a step back as far as graphics go.  I like the look of FM22's new animations and variety of play though.  It looks promising.


    If we could have FM22s animations and match logic, and FM17s graphics, I'd be in dreamland.

  7. 34 minutes ago, GreenTriangle said:

    I play a game called "football manager". If I want to play the game called "football spectator" then I go to the stadium or watch TV.
    For most managers results are very important. This is their "job." That's why they were "hired." If they had been hired to admire the landscape, they would no longer have been called managers.
    I myself use extended or comprehensive view, but I'm not interested to look at the landscape. There are enough variables in the game and I don't think I can handle them better if I'm ecstatic about the color of the grass or about shadows. In case is happen to have an "easy" match, all I am interested in is to end the game and start preparations for the next match as soon as possible.

    Hmm its a game, not real life.

    And come on now, this game isn't THAT complicated that it requires someone's 100% pure concentration on their stickmen or dots kicking a ball around.  I'm sure you'd win just as many matches if you allowed yourself to occasionally glance up at the scoreboard, match timer, and even the odd flare in the crowd :lol:

  8. On 11/09/2021 at 21:04, destmez said:

    I agree we shoukd not bein involved in this as manager BUT there many reason to add à stadium editor in Fm Editor 

    This ^^

    I've read the arguments about managers not having a say in how a stadium looks, and that thinking is missing the point.  We already have an editor and can change team names, players names, stadium sizes, logos, all sorts.  None of that is the domain of a manager ether, but we can still do it.

    The stadium editor should be something separate from the live game - something we use before we start our save.  Before the manager is even created.

  9. 10 minutes ago, forameuss said:

    I don't want them either.

    I have a pretty good idea of the sacrifices that would have to be made to get the game to that position.  And if they'd announced FM22 with them included but still had the game feeling as sterile and on-rails as it does now, then I'd find it hard to be excited by "ooh shiny".  Put lipstick on a pig etc etc

    This ^^

    I think the gist of it all is that some people would like to see the game go back to how the visuals looked before football manager 2018 came out, as the shadows, pitches, stadiums, graphic options, and lighting was much better in fm 2017 than the versions that came later.  The pictures posted in this thread say it all, and if people are honest about it, there's no denying it.

    Fifa grpahics aren't needed for football manager, as the game is about the actual match and the managers impact on it, but those saying the graphics aren't important are missing an important point.  1. many players want to play a game that not only plays well, but looks good too (the two go hand in hand for the overall feel of the game).  2. The game has to evolve, and like it or not, to attract new players the visual aspect really needs to get a shot in the arm, or at least reverting back to how good the game looked 4 years ago.

    I came looking for a stadium editor, or a way to modify them in football manager 21, as to me that's important.  Not as important as the match itself, but important because variety adds longevity. If I had one wish for fm 2022, its they announce a stadium editor - I'd even pay them $20 extra for one!

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