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Posts posted by MaskedReferee

  1. He has only played 16 Premier League games. Yellow cards are accumulated by competition not overall (I e. A count for number of yellow cards in the PL, a count for yellow cards in the FA Cup, a count for yellow cards in the Champions League etc...) So even though he has played in 20 games, 4 of them were Champions League  so don't count towards nullifying the yellow cards he picked up in the PL

  2. Undersoil heating isn't just about stopping the pitch for freezing in cold weather though, it also helps maintain the pitch by keeping the turf warm to promote grass growth.

    It actually makes a lot of sense when you think about how churned up pitches used to get compared to how pristine pitches stay year round now, despite having 30-odd games a season played on it. 47F is still fairly cold (about 8C) and grass doesn't grow particularly well in cold weather (which is why you don't need to mow your lawn in the winter). Undersoil heating helps to keep the turf warm to promote growth which in turn helps repair the pitch between games. Clubs also have large lighting rigs they set up over the pitch to give enough light to encourage grass growth, again to promote repair.

    So is your undersoil heating needed to stop the pitch from freezing? Probably not but it will help keep your pitch in very good condition throughout the season.

  3. 13 hours ago, phd_angel said:

    Sorry, but why would we build a stadium with under soil heating on Ibiza island, it's in the Mediterranean?!?! 

    Not sure if this is a bug, but it certainly makes no sense at all. Any way SI can prevent this type of silliness in a future patch?...



    It might not be as strange as you think, Barcelona installed undersoil heating in 2013


  4. In the top flight it is common for teams to travel the night before a game regardless of where it is. This is done to provide a much more consistent and predictable routine for players by removing the variables that come with travelling on the day (traffic, having to wake up at a different time to normal and eat at different times etc...). 

    With regards to after the game, I believe all teams travel home immediately after the game regardless of the time the match finishes. Realistically though if you get back to the training ground at 3am you won't be doing anything in that S1 slot though because you'll be shattered. Players are given the morning off because even if you've managed to get some sleep on the bus/plane coming back it won't be as good a quality of sleep as you'd get in bed. After getting some sleep (either at home or in accommodation at the training ground which top some clubs have) they would either come in for a recovery session or have the rest of the day off (some clubs do recovery the day after and then the second day is a rest day, other clubs give a rest day immediately after the game then do either recovery or low intensity session on the second day)

  5. Thanks Darj,

    I watch the games with comprehensive highlights and yes I do get a fair amount of headers that go over but it's also when my striker or one of my midfielders gets clear through the middle. I'm often left shouting at my (virtual!) players because he'll blaze it high under little or no pressure.

    I'm wondering if the dribble less TI is the problem? It helps move the ball around in the middle of the park but might that also be forcing my strikers to shoot if there is no clear passing option because they're not suppose to run with the ball for too long?

  6. Hi guys,

    I'm pulling my hair out at the moment with my squad! First season with West Ham playing a Tiki-Taka based system. I'm getting some good movement and creating chances (not as many as I'd like but a decent amount), however, every time any of my player's are presented with a chance in amd around the penalty area they blaze the ball over the bar even if they have time and space.

    My tactic is playing at a lower tempo with work the ball into the box TI selected so my player's shouldn't be being rushed into shooting. It's not the same player every time either so I don't think it's related to an individual's attributes (my chances are falling to my striker, midfielders running from deep and my wingers cutting in but they all scoop their shots over the bar even when not under pressure with the ball under control).

    My current thinking is they are blazing over because the quality of chance isn't that good (I might get 10 shots a game, hit the target twice and have an XG of 0.3 which is abysmal) so although my tactic seems to be doing okay and getting shots away, I'm not creating good chances.

    Training wise I'm focussed on tactical cohesion (I now have high tactical familiarity for pretty much all my player's) and I've started scheduling some extra sessions for chance conversion but haven't seen any improvement over the past couple of weeks that's been in place (but I know that can take a while to kick in)

    Tactic - 4-1-2-3

    My aim is to retain possession and move the ball about to open space in the final third for runners. My team instructions get me to play narrower but then I'm asking my two wingers to stay wider to create more width in the attacking third. I'm also playing a lower tempo but want my keeper to distribute the ball quickly so he doesn't dwell in possession letting the opposition organise when they lose possession in attack.

    In possession - Fairly Narrow width, Lower Tempo, Work Ball Into Box, Dribble Less, Play Out From The Back, Never Waste Time

    In transition - Counter Press, Standard LoE, Standard DL, GK Distribution Roll Out, Distribute Quickly

    Out of Possession - Press More Often, Standard Defensive Width, Stay on Feet

    GK - Sweeper Keeper(s)

    DR - FB(s) with cross less often PI

    DL - FB(a) with cross less often PI

    DC(R) - CD(d)

    DC(L) - CD(d) just changed from BPD(d) as he kept wandering out of position leaving me open

    DM - Anchor(d) just changed from DLP(d) to give me more defensive cover

    MC(R) - B2B(s)

    MC(L) - AP(s) just changed from MEZ(s) to have a creator as my DLP became an Anchor Man but it has cost me a midfield runner

    AMR - IW(s) with PI stay wider

    AML - IW(a) with PI stay wider

    ST - PF(a) or AF(a) depending on who is starting

    My tactic seems to work okay apart from in the final third. My attacking wide players and RB are inconsistent and I'm also trying to make my defence more solid as my DCs keep trying to press the same player leaving the midfield runner unmarked.

    Any help would be appreciated!

  7. Morning guys,

    When putting together the backroom staff at a club is there a benefit to everybody having the same preferred playing style? i.e if I play Tiki-Taka does it help with my player's tactical familiarity if my coaches also prefer Tiki-Taka? If I have a Director of Football / Scouts with the same preferred playing style are they more likely to find players to suit that style?

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