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Everything posted by celtic_fc

  1. Okay that was hard, not. James Jeggo, 120 CA, 125 PA Tomoki Iwata 119 CA 130 PA Are you honestly arguing a guy a who is just off the back of winning J-League player of the year should have less CA than a 30 year old James effing Jeggo?
  2. Fair enough they don't play exactly the same position but do you really think those CA and PA numbers I posted above are anywhere close to reality? If you insist I'll go find a suitable DMC in the league to compare to Iwata.
  3. Levitt is 117 CA, 140 PA. Iwata is 119 CA, 131 PA. What on earth are you talking about?
  4. You don't need to watch a lot of J-League to know Ange hasn't went back to Japan to sign a CB who is no better (and in FM's case is actually worse) than the likes of Deas, Findlay, Kerr or Halkett. And then terminated the loan of a player who is now doing well in Germany. As for the Higden comment, why are you comparing a striker to that of a defensive mid? That's like comparing a brussel sprout to a steak.....
  5. Well let's use Iwata as an example instead. Why on earth does Levitt have a similar CA to that of a player has who has just won J-League player of the year? It's honestly laughable how bad Iwata and Kobayashi are considering one has just came off a season being the best player in a far better league than Scotland and the other has impressed enough in training that we felt comfortable enough to cut Jenz's loan short because Kobayashi had already overtook him in the pecking order. Surely in that case Tomoki should be comfortable around 130 CA and 140 PA, with Koba around 120-125 CA and maybe 135 PA or -7 rather than the pathetic -6 he currently is. I mean just looking at CB who are HG in Scotland, apparently Celtic would've been better off signing the likes of Robbie Deas, Stuart Findlay, Jason Kerr or Craig effing Halkett ffs. Likewise, Taylor has comfortable been the best fullback in the league for at least 12 months now, and I include players who have recently left like Bassey and Jura. Also compare Ralston's performances for Scotland to that of Hickey and Paterson and it's laughable how far off Ralston is on current ability to those two, Ralston might not have been first choice for us but it hasn't stopped him getting plenty of game time and his numbers in terms of assists and goals are comparable to any full back in the league that doesn't get gifted a free penalty every week. Also I know Maeda ain't the greatest technically, especially when compared to Jota/Haksa but they really should be a good bit better than they currently are. And his improvement over the past 12 months in that aspect alone shows there's still plenty of room for growth. Josh Campbell probably deserved a decent boost for Hibs as well.
  6. Tomoki Iwata (J-League player of the year) with CA on a par with most our worst players. And Kobayashi even worse. And what exactly does the likes of Greg Taylor need to do to get an upgrade. Brutal.
  7. Did you wait until Jan? If so then I might as well do the same cause I tried at the start there and they were looking for nearly double that. Looks brilliant for the price.
  8. That and rotation being non existent for AI managers absolutely kills long saves. No point in even bringing it up these days as it's been an issue for so long.
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