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Posts posted by danyates8

  1. Yeah I'm currently experiencing the exact same issue. However I think mines a little clearer than yours as the monthly outgoing for 'transfer expenditure' for one month is more than I've spent in the whole save. I've spent around 3.5 million in around 3 and a half seasons yet my transfer expenditure for the last month is £3,579,758 taking the season total too £4,686,902. There was £150,000 towards clauses and 50k in transfer fees that month. To make matters even more confusing the season before transfer expenditure across the season was £4,376,687 when id spent 300k on actually transfer fees. So that's a total of £9,063,589 in two years taken from the overall balance when ive only spent £1,700,000. It has to be a bug,

    transfer expenditure.png

    transfer in.png


  2. What ive come to notice on these forums is if you provide the evidence to your problem just like this OP has you get ignored but if you don't provide the evidence you get a mod asking for it? Makes zero sense, this issue is clearly still going on. I posted this very issue myself and was asked for the .pkm file. So I thought id scour the forums for any similar issues, ive found loads including this one, many where the pkm has been provided yet no response from any mod. Laughable

  3. Ratemytactic looks nice and the theory behind it is good but I believe it leads to false expectations. A 5 star tactic doesn't mean you are going to win every game with more possession. Its a good starting base to guide you in the right direction. In my tactic I was getting more success by actually adjusting roles to something that according to ratemytactic would of left me venerable. So defo experiment with the players you have available, remember their PPMs can have a drastic action on your tactic. EG a full back on support but has get forward as much as possible could easily lead you to issues if your winger/inside forward in front of him has poor tracking back capabilities, or you haven't got adequate cover in midfield.

    I have had most success with this formation below, its considered control possession according to the board vision. 



  4. Just now, Haribo1681 said:

    I think sometimes the movement of one player will 'force' another to take up more suitable positions, which might be what you're seeing with the Mezzala and Winger. I've seen it happen with my WB forcing my IF to take a more central position, which is what I want - alternatively, it could be the other way round, where the IF vacates space that the WB moves into.

    Yeah that was the thinking behind my change really, I had effectively 1 guy doing all the work up top. It showed in the stats last season as he had 32 goals in the league however the next highest scorer was 6. My winger pretty much has that total already after 15 games and the strikers output hasn't changed at all so there has been positive change which I'm delighted with, How long it lasts is another issue but for now I'm very happy. 

  5. Yeah I was suffering quite badly without that extra attacking duty and it makes sense for the winger to have it so he can act as a second striker. its clearly working lol whether its the Mezzala allowing him the extra space or the attack duty I'm not 100% sure, but I'm much more impressed with the results. On to the AMC im still not getting 100% what I want from him but I'm going to see out the season to see if there's any noticeable improvement brought about by other changes. I love this thread its excellent. 

  6. So I altered a few thing around last night and got a much better set of results, I understand the sample size isn't that great so I don't want to get to ahead of myself. Adding a Mezzala in the left hand side on centre midfield as well as a DLP on the right, has really really changed up my play, he is linking the with winger who has also been changed to attack and the  AP and we are creating and scoring many many more goals. I'm even getting some beautiful through balls from the DLP over the top which I've not really had before. I think we had a spell where I scored 3+ for 7 games in a row. The winger on attack has been really really dangerous for me even though I've still been playing a right footed played on the left. Leaves me more vulnerable defensively but in 75% of my games I'm significantly stronger than my opposition anyway. I am slightly confused again though how I'm getting the best results of my save so far with something that in theory shouldn't work to well (double playmakers, multiple attacking players with attack duty). Ive added a pic of the formation and results and its really really obvious where I introduced the tactic.

    new formation.png

    form (2).png

  7. My AMC is doing nothing whatever the role even after changing to the reccomended support role. Ozil should be absolutley perfect for how im trying to play it and the results are nothing short of shambolic. 2 assists against an awful Europa league team. As you can see from the negatives on the below pic the tactic is having issues scoring goals. Im at a loss to get consistent results lasting longer than 20 games. 

    4231 (2).png

    ozil (2).png

  8. 38 minutes ago, Tsuru said:

    I really think that the players do the tactic, not the opposite. If you have really great players and don´t do anything too strange, the quality of the players will overlay your tactic and you will win the same just because your players are too good for the opponents. 

    You see, I also read FM career updates on another forum and I have seen this many times: the FM player picks a 2nd division mid-table team, arrives with lots of difficulties at the 1st division, suffers for some time avoiding relegation with bad tactical choices and then starts to grow and win everything, even with his awful tactics.

    Why? Because he is hiring better players and developing youngsters, and the IA never hires and develops as well as we do. So as time goes by, the human managers get this "natural advantage" even if they are not too good at the tactical side.

    Tactic helps, of course, but players win :D 

    I hate to disagree but Fifa is getting worse IMO. Less realistic year on year and no focus on single player game modes puts me off. 

  9. 28 minutes ago, FulchesterFred said:

    Thank you. You’re right. At half time I moved to deeper defence. WBs to FBs. They scored 2 more and we didn’t really have a chance. First half much more open.

    I don’t mind shocking results. They do happen, very rarely, but do happen. This version seems spectacularly unforgiving. Again fine but I don’t feel armed with enough information from SI which is disappointing. that’s why the tactics forum is great. 

    I was in discussion with a friend who doesn't play FM but loves Fifa career modes etc saying I believe he would enjoy FM. He came round so I could give him a run through of the basics and as a newcomer he was just totally overwhelmed. I started a new game with him and even turned on the tips and tricks but IMO they don't go deep enough. SI is in a funny place trying to get new people playing the game. Even myself as a player who has played at least 200 hours every year for the last 15 years or so I'm finding the micromanagement aspect of the newer versions highly frustrating. Having to change a corner tactic due to a sub is just annoying but not as annoying as conceding from it when you forget to change. Since finding this forum around a week ago ive definitely gained a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn't work however my results haven't indicated this. I created a tactic and within 7 seasons won the Champions League with Brighton, however if I put that tactic on this forum it would be seen as something that wouldn't logically make sense. 2 inside forwards on attack, advanced forward and advanced playmaker on attack. It shouldn't be working according to what I've learnt but its by far and away my most successful results which just adds to my confusion. 

  10. Set pieces are vital this year and that for me takes away abit of the fun. I've found if you don't set them up defensively you always concede and that will then need micromanaging over a season depending on who you are playing, then attacking wise if you don't set them up you are potentially losing 20 goals a season, I've had centre backs scoring 15 in a season before. That's strange to me. How have you found your tactic to be defensively against the bigger sides?

  11. So ive just won a game as to what I though was 3-1, until I saw the final score of 3-2. It came 1 minute after my goal however there is no actual replay of the incident it actually shows an attack and eventual corner for me. Checking the match report it was disallowed by VAR. Strange how the goal actually counted on the scoreline and im sure this is a bug. 

    ghost goal.png

  12. So I'm in my 6th season on the game and my 3rd season at Brighton. Managed to turn us into contenders so far and Carabao back to back winners but after an examination of goals conceded last night we are 17th in the league from corners conceding 3 but indirect free kicks we have conceded 7 making us by far the leakiest team in the league from indirect free kicks. My individual player stats such as jumping reach, heading, bravery, concentration, decisions are all above league average so I believe it boils down to set piece tactics. My defensive corner tactic I'm more than happy with as it allows me the chance to possibly score on the break which offsets the 3 conceding. However the indirect free kicks are causing me all sorts of issues. I've got my best header and jumping reach, bravery etc marking their tall player but other than that I'm really struggling to find an effective way to stop conceding. It's particularly frustrating as you take away the 10 set piece goals conceded we are easily the 2nd best defence in the league. 

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