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Nik D. Saint

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Issue Comments posted by Nik D. Saint

  1. My two friends and I have been playing the online mode in FM23 for many seasons. When FM24 was released, we transferred the save data from FM23 to FM24. Everything was fine until I entered the game. I could control the two managers created by my two friends, but my two friends could not. The "take control" button on their games could not be pressed. They could not control the managers they created. Please help us.

  2. I am a game language translator into Vietnamese
    This is when I leave the default English language



    And this is when I let the language get from example file 
    As you can see, the text has been lost "Set Pieces Introduction", and I tried to find that text on example.ltf but it didn't exist. I think the example file is missing sentences, please help me


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