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Posts posted by Bermoot

  1. 5 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Если да, то вам нужно больше вспомогательных обязанностей (для начала). 

    Но прежде чем углубиться в анализ вашей тактики, я должен спросить: вы тестировали эту тактику? А если да, то как работает?

    Thanks for your feedback. Of course I tested it, and I didn't just stand it, I came to it in stages. I started out with high mentalities - positive and attacking. We managed to set up the game, but basically we pushed the opponent into the penalty area, with such a game the striker is often not a scorer, but an assistant like Aguero / Firmino / Benzema.


    My goal was to supply the striker with piercing passes, so I came to lower the team mentality. It helped create space for him, but the team ignores him.
    If I just wanted a working tactic, I wouldn't be posting here for help. The tactics work, I like the team's play and its results, but I feel that the striker does not work in this system.
  2. Hello everyone! Immediately apologize for my english)


    My main idea was to create a dynamic style of play where mixed passes, lots of running into space and creating this space throughout the match.
    I want all players to be involved in the game, it doesn't matter in attack or defense, I want to see the participation of every player, without isolation. 
    Before I always played with high mentality, but in FM21 I felt a lack of chances with the striker. I started looking for a solution. I tried deeper striker roles - it didn't solve the problem. Thanks to a lot of information from the forum, I came to a decrease in mentality. I will attach below the settings of my tactics, I am very pleased with the style of play and its results. I have strong leaders, but everyone else does not remain in the shadows ... Except for the attacker. I tried it in various roles. No, he does not play badly, I just feel that he can do more. My striker is Holland. It's not even about him, I just want people to play with him more and more often try to bring him 1 on 1


    The lowered mentality opened up many innovations for me. I like it. But I still lack the involvement of my attacker in the dangerous moments.
    Open my eyes to this please.


    There are individual instructions. CB has less pressure. RCM has a position to hold and risk more. IF on the left has more risk.
    This is not the final option, sometimes I change the roles of the players taking into account the individual mentality. Sometimes I vary the command-wide instructions. I like the team's play on this mentality, but I want more emphasis on the striker and use of the space that is behind the opponent's backs.


    I would be very grateful if you can help me understand why my attacker is often ignored.
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