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Issue Comments posted by Renobr

  1. 14 horas atrás, metal_guitarist disse:

    Did some testing on this last night (Windows version of the Editor) and here are my findings. I used 3 files:

    • A SortitoutSI file containing created staff. This file was created in an earlier version of the game by someone else and imported into FM22's Editor - File A
    • My personal update file containing 1 created member of staff. This file was created with the FM22 Editor by me - File B.
    • Another file I created containing a number of created players. Again created with the FM22 Editor - File C

    All created staff and players are contracted to a club. 

    Test 1 - all the files loaded whilst creating a new game. Only the people in File A appeared in the game. 

    Test 2 - loaded each file individually one at a time creating new games. New game with only File A, then new game with only File B and then with only File C. Each time the people in the file appeared. 

    Test 3 - I merged File A and File C into File B in the Editor, will refer to the merged file as File D. There were no Unique ID clashes, all were assigned a UID in order. However, this is where it gets a bit weird. File D was the only file loaded. The first time I created a game, only the people that originated in File A appeared. I opened the file in the Editor again and had a look around to check it had merged properly. Everyone was in there and there were no ID clashes. I created another game, the people who orginated in File A and File B appeared but the people who originated in File C did not. I was unable to get those people to load at all, despite File C being in perfectly working order when loaded on it's own. 


    I using a japan database and the problems that I have is.


    Won't  load my created guys with FM22 Sortitoutsi Licenes Fix &  Media Files, Ajax staff and Hesi and the JL Players and referees from Robbles Quin.

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