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Posts posted by dja2k14

  1. I am going to attemp another go at a save with the amateur team Swansea University in the Cymru South division in Wales. They are coded to stay amateur so ill have to put up with alot of poaching from other teams since i cant offer a proper contract to players. Tried it on FM20 but got fed up loosing players but willing to try again. Anyone else tried them or another amateur team and had some kind of success?

  2. Hi, since the recent update you cant place players on the substitutes bench like before the update. You either have to do it via the squad page or you need to go to unpicked players, click on the player and hold A, then with your other thumb you need to drag the player to the bench. Im sure you didnt change it and it must be some kind of bug, hopefully you will rectify it back to how it was pre update

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