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Posts posted by Kotikov

  1. this is a list of my suggestions for innovations in FM. apologize in advance for my english. Translated using Google, I hope everything is clear.

    1. In my opinion, the developers in vain forgot to equip the staff of the team with their own characters. And, of course, to make the level of influence of the coach's character on the training process. It would be nice to see how the coach of the legend of the club can quickly teach some of his characteristic football aspects or create excitement among a new set of young players in a particular position in which he himself once played.
    2. Also, the differences in the characters and behavior of the owners of the club are not thought out. Recently, the owners have become more and more public figures, and have an influence on all processes in football, their role is undoubtedly curtailed in the game. I have not seen differences in the management of different owners, presidents, whose teams are in the same conditions. Undoubtedly, more ambitious and hot-tempered owners would add a spice, of course, everything is within reasonable limits.
    3. It would be interesting for me to try to be a manager of doubles and youth teams of clubs, with regard to national teams this has already been implemented, it is time to remove the inequality, especially since this will greatly help inexperienced managers find work, and those who are just learning the game, gain experience and not plunge right away into all aspects of the game.
    4. I am sure that everyone paid attention to the scarcity of setting standard positions. Corner kicks and free throws have long since moved to a different level in modern football, and kicks have become a formidable weapon of some teams, in Football Manager there are no significant improvements in this matter. I really want to see the settings of a different level, for example, blocking the zone by the players, to bring a partner to an empty seat, or the ability to select directions for three or four fast, pre-trained passes, allowing to confuse the enemy's defense. And a lot more !!! What do you think about this?
    5. How do you spend a manager's salary? I usually set it to a minimum in order to unload the payroll. And where to spend it? This is an undoubted omission! I would like to have in Football Manager at least some kind of platform where you can spend your earned money. Even 10 years ago, the FIFA manager had the opportunity to donate money to the club, buy real estate and transport, buy shares on the stock exchange. It would also be great to buy a club and own it. Well, if someone thinks that this is too much, then you can simply add the ability to choose at the beginning of the game, whether it is necessary or not.
    6. Have you noticed that there are no experience characteristics? What's the difference between a 17 year old and a 30 year old player in terms of play? Of course, there are often different characteristics, but that's not all. Despite the fact that football players' speed decreases with age, many people read the game better and do not make rash jerks, thereby preserving position and energy. Not to mention the psychological advantage over the young. Here the developers have to think about how and where to include the player's experience, but this must be done.
    7. I will also refer to the unfinished aspects of the game sponsorship contracts. There is no possibility of choosing sponsors, selling the rights to billboards, selling the name of the stadium, even the cost of season tickets and entrance tickets cannot be changed, but this is a little about something else, although it is also a good thing. The management of sponsorship contracts, in my opinion, would revive the financial component. For example, the offer of good contracts for European cups or after high-profile victories, are already tired of surviving only at the expense of selection tricks. By the way, I'll tell you about breeding tricks in the next video, do not forget to subscribe to the channel so as not to miss it.
    8. Directions from the curb. I'd like to believe that they somehow influence the gameplay. But to be honest, I don’t believe it. Naturally, we ask the developers to make this tool effective, not an arcade trinket.
    9. If you recall all the memorable interesting things from the Fifa manager, then I would suggest adding a manager survey after the season. There it included statistical questions about the past season in all included leagues. The earned points could be spent on the development of your manager, club, staff or a specific player.
    10. I decided to single out the proposal for the development of a manager as a separate item. Now in FM this question has been left to chance. Stats by themselves grow, points cannot be distributed, and promotion courses do not noticeably affect. So, I propose in the hard core mode first to try to answer a series of tactical and other questions to distribute performance points. Further, the improvement courses are real studies with basic knowledge of the game and tactics, at the end of which there is an exam with a survey, which you can fail. The distribution of the same characteristics or give a choice, or distribute in accordance with the correct answers in different areas. Learning a language by a manager can be done in the same vein.
    11. I consider it necessary to add a tool for the development of the club's popularity among the fans. Everything should be in a modern way - different social services. Networks, store openings, football schools in other countries, charity and advertising.

    12. I have come across information on the Internet that the top regen is born in the clubs planned in advance by the developers. The experience of playing FM confirms this statement. No matter how much I improved the search systems and the youth base, I did not achieve visible results. The proposal here is extremely simple - there should be a direct relationship between the level of schools and young footballers in them. Although without the birth of geniuses in different outbacks it will be boring.

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