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Posts posted by Gold

  1. I would have players in position in space. Such as playing an amc if the enemy have no dmc, I would have several players with roam from positions. I would have several roles like raumedeter and maybe trequeirsta, whose role in a tactic is to find space. And there other elements like hugging the line and playing wide, playing with more creative freedom, and i would also consider what would be best, playing to players feet in space, or playing the ball into space for players to run onto, I think i would probably play to feet.

  2. these effect overlapping:

    Clicking the option overlap

    Having the fb on attack and the winger on support.

    A short passing game, which gives the fbs chance to get up front rather than direct up to the forwards.


    There are other things im not sure of. Narrower effects how compact a team is defensively and how close they are to a pass. It could effect overlapping if say the w is narrower and the the fb is on run wide. Im not totally 100% sure it does about 85% because sometimes if you have a fb and a w playing the same instructions, they can sometimes even run into the back of each other.

  3. I think the roles in your formation are fine. I cant see the player instructions but should be ok with default.

    I think you have to fix team instructions. You have to balance if you have too many team instructions theres more chance of mistakes with without them you lose thier benefits.

    When you pick team instructions you have to think of the big picture as some things go hand in hand, like short passing is best compact, direct is expansive, and then choose speed, pass to space according to your overall picture.

    Also if you are struggling to score. The odd setpiece goal can help win points.

  4. Your front 3 look a good combination. In midfield if the dlp is your holder which he usually is in a sitting role, cm might be a bit meh. I might have more legs like a bbm, or maybe a mez to support the wb.

    Also your wb are your main source of width. But altho you want certain balance, perhaps have youre right wb who is covered on the right cm by the dlp attack, and link with the supporting dlf. The 3cb allow you to play wb, so its best to maximize them while also having different options. Also in a short passing game its best to also have different options interlinking with different roles.

    Thats what i think of your players roles.

    The team instructions at first it is best to keep it simple especially in the lower leagues where it easier to start.

    Also every role and tactical instruction, player and team has a highlight hover message which gives a brief instruction of what it does.

  5. This the way I see it:

    Advanced playmaker: this is if you want your playmaker (if you use one) higher up the pitch to pull strings in the oppositions half.

    Tre(i really cant spell it correctly)quiesta. This is if you want an amc who is like an extra player in the oppositions half roaming at the expense of him being there as an amc when you might need him in that position.

    Enganche? This is the opposite of the TREQ as he doest move and acts as a pivot for any surrounding players.

    Shadow Striker. This role is if you want a striker but deeper. He works best with a supporting forward. He can often be your teams main goal output.

    Attacking midfielder. This is the typical amc who will sit in the hole. Score goals assist etc.

    These all work in FM21 and some extremely well. (apart from enganche that i havent tried.


  6. This is my 4-2-3-1. The 4-2-3-1 is my favourite formation.



    Team Instructions: 

    In Possession.

    Fast, creative, slightly direct.

    In Transition:

    Gen Gen

    Out of Possession:

    Gen Gen.

    Player instructions.

    WB: I have the right one attacking, and overlapping so the man in front of him supports. On the left a wb who supports a rmd. I really wanted to use a rmd, so i have the wb supporting him, the amc passing to him and crosses from the right infwd.

    CB: Because Im playing a high defensive line I have 2 options. Offside Trap or one cb on cover. I chose the 2nd option. 

    CM: One runner one holder. In a fast attacking tactic i didnt want a dlp slowing things down.

    AMC. I really wanted to use a Trequartista. Not so much a player maker, but someone who covers a large amount of the pitch. 

    IFWD RMD: One wide supporting, really wanted to use a rmd. And its proved highly successful.

    AF: started with dlf but had much more success once the tactic had a focus at top.


    I made no signings and BRFC players arent especially suited to the tactic although very good. Form hit a wall once i broke record number of wins.


    Setpieces taken care of.

    Ifwd and rmd on opposite feet cutting in.

    NO OI





  7. Wide is for expansive teams

    It suits a longer passing game, as the wider players like wingers, offer an outlet for a pass. Although these can sometimes be intercepted if if too direct.

    Narrow suits a short passing game because the players are closer together although these players are harder sometimes to find with a pass. 

    Also some tactics, for example one with a 3 man midfield, may either want to spread out, or congest play

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