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Posts posted by CowGoesMehhh

  1. 17 hours ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    Just finished the current season on comprehensive off the back of the last update. Went for a 4-2-3-1 Nagelsmann replication to try and stress the things that bugged me in FM21.

    Goal scoring centre forwards - well, they are just a delight, world class ones feel absolutely horrible to play against if you haven't planned properly, and are fun to use. Feel like all the variations of forwards i've used so far feel different, which wasn't always the case in FM21

    Inside forwards - two things stand out: on the ball movement when wide -obviously trying to run inside more, but actually need to check back more, and i think their passbacks when they do often go too deep, would like to see them utilise the strong footed in swinging cross more. They are also spinning the wrong way too often, rather than rolling the ball across the body. Off the ball movement is very good, and on the ball movement overall is still pretty decent, with room for improvement.

    Headers - need more variation on them, headed low/into the ground. Players don't get over them enough so they always go over the top if they miss. Players are probably too keen to head the ball when in space, and actually have time to control it and play it, especially when shooting. Heading accuracy probably slightly too low, if inside fowards/crossing gets tighten up, and players choosing to head the ball gets decreased a bit, would like to see heading accuracy (attack and defence) increased

    Pressing - put the effort in with OIs and reap the rewards. Pressing traps are brilliant to watch, but also finding myself having to think about pressing in my formations matches up with pressing various other shapes, and how the opposition are likely to press me, especially since i play out the back. Feels like FM22 makes you think more about this than previous ones, which can only be a good thing imo.

    Opposition teams feel different when you play them, rather than the same same of FM20

    Standout players feel like standout players (look forward to the day Mo Salah retires) when you use them and AI seem to use them to decent effect, though I think AI tactical replications could be better at times. 

    Finishing - loads of variations to it, which makes quality forwards great to use. Nothing more enjoyable than watching an inside forward running on to a through ball, and dinking over an on rushing keeper

    Overall lots I like, and few key things that i'd like to see addressed in the ME, but overall very much a hit so far

    Agree with you. But still some minor bugs here and there.


    The players (even opposition) always cross to the middle of penalty box and the strikers will try to head it from too far out. Ball eventually caught by the keeper.
    I really want to see IF/IW taking on defenders and cutting in instead of running down the line and pass back to the wingbacks. The only thing I like about IF is that they tend to make diagonal runs in.

  2. 10 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

    that is all I ask for, just an update. I would respect the more straightforward answer of "we had some unintended consequences of overhauling the stats engine and unfortunately, we just cannot fix it" instead of them saying it's on their radar or whatever.

    I'm not trying to disparage anyone, so please do not misinterpret my frustration as accusation, but I do think criticism is warranted with this. 

    Same! I thought that it will be fixed on this update or at least the next.

    Looks like the basic analysis features will not be fixed in the "final" version. 


    Hopefully, FM22 won't have this issue! 

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