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Steve round

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Posts posted by Steve round

  1. On 01/02/2021 at 15:34, Ben Kenney said:

    Thanks for the save game @Steve round 

    I've taken a look at your save game which loads on the 14th July and can see when going to the Champions Cup registration page that the 'Testing Changes Only' button is present. Two days later on the 16th July a Champions Cup squad registration news item is generated into the users inbox,  when accessing the Registration page from this news item I am able to register a Champions Cup squad (see below pic) 

    The Champions League registration works differently to the league registration. With league registration the user is able to make changes to the squad at any time up until the close of the registration window. With the Champions Cup registration the user is only able to make changes on specified dates, which is when the registration news item will come into the users inbox. If accessing the Champions Cup registration page outside of one of these registration dates then it will correctly show 'Testing Changes Only' as you will be unable to submit any changes. 

    There are a number of Champions Cup registration dates throughout the qualification stage, for example there will be one on the 19th July which will give the user the opportunity to make changes and register any new signings etc signed throughout the window. 

    Apologies if you knew all of the above. Could you confirm if you are seeing the 'Testing Changes Only' button when you respond to the Champions Cup registration news item on the 16th July? 


    Nice one, thanks for helping Ben.

  2. On 30/01/2021 at 13:53, Steve round said:

    Hi Ben

    I'm not sure on how to upload my save even though i have followed the instructions. I'm not too computer savvy. The issue on this forum as been going on since the 08/12/2020 so going on to 2 months. As it appears to be an issue for many users what fixes will be put in place to fix this issue and when will this be?



    Thanks Ben, i have uploaded my Rangers game save. Brian Laudrup - Rangers (v02).fm

    As i have noticed, it automatically registers players after the transfer window closes but it doesn't include new signings so once your initial players leave/retire you will be left with no players registered. i hope this helps to try and get this rectified.


  3. On 29/01/2021 at 11:24, Ben Kenney said:

    Hi, we are aware of an issue in certain scenarios where the user is unable to register free agents outside of a registration window. If you have a save game where you are encountering this issue then please upload and we will take a look. Details on how to upload can be found via the link below. 

    Hi @Steve round

    Sorry you have encountered this issue. If you have a save game which shows the problem would you be able to upload to our cloud service. Details on how to upload can be found via the link below. If you also have a save game from before you were asked to register your European squad then that would also be helpful. 



    Hi Ben

    I'm not sure on how to upload my save even though i have followed the instructions. I'm not too computer savvy. The issue on this forum as been going on since the 08/12/2020 so going on to 2 months. As it appears to be an issue for many users what fixes will be put in place to fix this issue and when will this be?



  4. I'm also getting the testing changes only when trying to register players for European competition. It works fine though when registering players for league places. I was managing Rangers and it was fine in the first season but in the 2nd season i then got this message. I have tried everything mentioned from clearing caches to going on holiday but it doesn't change. I have setup another profile to manage another team in PSG just to check to see if it works but it's still the same. I have also deleted steam and fm21 and redownloaded but with no luck. When will this be rectified? as it completely ruins the game when managing teams in European competition. Please reply ASAP, thanks!


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