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José-Manuel Malfleury

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Posts posted by José-Manuel Malfleury

  1. I recruited a player mid-season, with the transfer supposed to take effect at the next transfer window.

    The window comes, and the transfer is cancelled due to him failing his medical. "Damaged spine", 9 months of indisponibility.

    Being a responsible manager, I immediately decided to gamble his young life away and ignore the doctors' advice, because you know, the club is above individuals.

    Another reason was that I considered that once a contract is signed, it's signed, and injuries are a risk clubs must assume. And I'd very much like to see him overcome this nasty blow.

    The 9 months are almost passed and I'm getting worried. Please someone tell me he won't end up in a wheelchair at the first hard tackle. Did it happen to anyone else to have such an injured player? What would you have done?

    Any insight apprieciated.

  2. Le 01/12/2021 à 23:46, StephenCronin a dit :

    There are actual hidden "set pieces" and "penalties" attributes with 0-20 values, but from what I've seen, they never change.


    I'd like to know how it works too, also corners and free kicks.

    I assumed it was based on technique and shooting for penalties, and passing and crossing for corners, because when you select your takers in the tactical overview these are the abilities you can sort the players by.

    Now I realize I should have checked if this was really consistant with what the assman says "expert in dead ball situations" / "good penalty taker" etc..

    I like to imagine it's a mix of shooting, pressure, technique, big matches if it's one, consistency and decisions.

  3. Your tactic makes perfect sense on paper. You also concede few goals overall, you just score even less.

    In my experience not having wide attacking midfielders will cost you a lot in this game, the engine seems to be shaped mostly around simple 4-2-3-1 (wich works not only great, but beautifully). 4-2-2-2 worked even better last year, not sure yet for this year.

    That's the last thing you want to hear since you decided to play 3-at-the-back, and surely it can work too, but all my tactics without wide AMs score much less.

    Otherwise my two cents:

    -expressive creative freedom is great when your players have blended together with green on-pitch relationships lines all over the tactical view. When it's not the case yet I'd recommend balanced freedom.

    -balanced defensive line will let you dominate games just as well while exposing you much less. You don't concede much as you are though, so idk about this one.

    -short passing > everything. They still do long passes, they just drop the silly ones.

    -mixed GK distribution works better, unless your goalie is godawful at long balls. The Assman will moan about wasteful distribution but it's often a misleading stat: yes the opponents get the honor of breaking their skull on the long ball, that doesn't mean they can keep possession. A more relevant stat would be: "who owns the ball on average 5 secs after our goal kicks?" and it's often you.

    -final third very important imo: leave it all blank by default. Then if you notice a bad tendency, use the according instruction to correct it, but not before. Players are smarter than we think and these instructions often force them into making bad decisions. Minimalism and being unoriginal are forms of art in this game.

    One last thing: unlike the PC version, there is no team tactical familiarity at all. You can change everything anytime, they don't mind. And it's great, it means that we can tweak and experiment all the time, even mid-games.

    Good luck for your save.

    EDIT: I sound like I'm sure of what I'm saying but I'm not at all in fact. But I'm sure it's my impressions after a few seasons.


  4. @MikaelSGood to know, thanks. Unfortunately it made my game crash when sending the file heheh. I'll retry.

    The workaround I found (if players don't acknowledge a captain change) was to change again to a pair of captains that my players wouldn't be upset with, then change back again to the two I wanted. All players reacted to both of these new changes, and don't seem to mind me having changed captain thrice in one day.

  5. I had a comparable problem where the captain changed occured but the players didn't aknowledge it. It may be linked to making a first transfer day one (not sure).


    I have a savefile and will update this message with it as soon as I understand how to do that.

    Edit: hmm I'm having trouble uploading the file. The site tells me that the maximum size is 9 Mo, when the savefile is 42 Mo...

  6. 14 hours ago, Stuniverse said:

    I must admit, a lot of these have then been jettisoned to the Reserve / II team squad. My worry is that if all of them are automatically given contracts I could bankrupt the football club before we even get started.


    You Sir are a scoundrel, an would completely deserve what you redoubt .But in old versions at least it worked the way turnip described (wich was fortunate as I had pretty much used the same recruitment method).

    Side question: can you start at amateur level without mods in FM 21? I just bought FMM 21 after a few years off, fell in love with the squad dynamics system and I'm now buying a laptop for FM 21. But the lowest level I could start at in FMM was english Vanarama North/South, in semi-pro clubs.

    In previous versions I was using pyramids mods but some of them turned out bugged after a few seasons so I'd rather avoid.

  7. ^^

    Updated and the scrollbar is still there. It doesn't scroll anything though, it only makes a tiny bit of green line appear above the green "positive" label in upper screen.

    I understand that it bugs the person who designed the page, but I had never noticed it before you told me and it doesn't cause any problem. Also quite an old smartfridge/Android version.

  8. ^^

    Samsung J7 Max, but the reason probably is that I have not updated to the latest patch. I was afraid it would break my saves (more hours into it than I care to admit..) If you tell me it won't, I can update and tell if the scrollbar went away.

    And yes the GK is great influence, also the fact he only has 3/5 stars of potential is a good illustration of how dynamics increased a lot the number of interesting decisions we have to make about squad building.

    Since we're here I'd have a related question: except for the occasional slacking scoundrel, most youngsters from my club's youth system seem to be have Professional personalities. Is it because the squad dynamic is rated A in Prof? In previous FMs popular wisdom had it that the Head of Youth Development's personality was influencing regen's. Is there something similar in FMM 21?

  9. (Couldn't find how to type below the screenshot so double-post)

    So this goalkeeper is a great surprise and even if I can find a better one now this guy is here to stay. And I like the fact it was a surprise.

    On 23/01/2021 at 17:39, Marc Vaughan said:

    Giving youngsters huge contracts early on in their careers can give them more negative personality traits - particularly arrogance, laziness and suchlike

    Oooooohhhh I just celebrated our accession to Premier League with an array of new contracts (all under 10k £/week though). I hope I didn't waste the best youngsters... back to greedy mode it is then I guess. If they moan I'll let them know that you said it was for their own good.

  10. @Neb
    Heheh the screenshot in the opening post screams "drive this guy to the airport and put him in the first plane to anywhere"!

    Well, maybe I've become a bit too dynamics-obsessed.

    On 22/01/2021 at 16:13, Neb said:

    I love the direction FMM has taken this year. It does make for a very interesting game, dynamics constantly shifting as players age/drift in and out of the team. Young players coming through the ranks, performing well but once becoming senior players having bad effects on the team as a whole. Selling a couple of aging players only to realise they were the only ones holding the team together, etc. 

    Completely agree, it's all I always wanted and felt was missing in FM. It brings a lot of "human" substance to the game. Our Tamagochis now really need love.

    I especially like the way Loyalty builds over time (from my experience players begin to impact it positively after 4-5 years at the club, and only if they are Influential/Leaders. Even the Ambitious end up helping with it. So if we buy better players all the time, we never get a loyal squad, as that's both 100% fair and a great challenge.

    On 22/01/2021 at 16:13, Neb said:

    I think a pop up on each personality type explaining how this might effect the player/team would be good.

    I agree but I like that devs tried to make things hinted more than explained. (I agree it's sometimes confusing or even almost incoherent, especially the Moral thing you pointed)

    But I love that players don't always reveal their game straight away. We have all seen in real life people who present their best face when they join a group, then progressively drop the mask and reveal their toxicity as they become more important. In FMM 21 I saw Professional players switch to Ambitious (and wreck the dressing room Loyalty/Mood) after a larger club tried to buy them. I both hated and loved that, like if you suddenly noticed that someone you love has grown vampire teeth and looks at you a funny way.

    On the other hand here's my young goalie one year ago (Status: Other), and now that he his Influential

    Screenshot_20210128-204758_FM21 Mobile.jpg

    Screenshot_20210128-204703_FM21 Mobile.jpg

  11. 15 hours ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    As a word of warning however, there is sometimes a settling in period for a new player at a club and he might not perform at his 'peak' straight away (depends on a hidden mental attribute and some random factors).

    Thought so (and it would be sad if it wasn't the case, I like to see them find their marks game after game)


    Allright, thanks for the clarification on main topic. No familiarity is less realistic, but it's also nice to be able to toy around with tactics and see the results instantly, and it fits the mobile version.

    Since you're here I want to add that I'm very, very happy with the game. Hadn't played since FM 2015, and this FMM 21 will make me buy FM 21.


  12. Hey everyone.

    I have a little question. Usually in FM your players progressively learn the tactic you choose and it takes them a little while to get used to it. If suddenly you change everything they struggle, and the game lets you know where you stand in this regard.


    It doesn't seem to be the case in FMM 21 but I still would like confirmation of it if possible. Can I really mess with any tactical setting, even change everything and have my players instantly familiar with the new tactic?

    Thanks in advance.

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