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Posts posted by Thatgoldking

  1. I’m looking to do a VNN/VNS bottom to top save with the top 5 nations selected.

    The France National 2 and Spain league 3 (ends up being a tonnnnn of leagues) end up adding 1.5 stars to game speed when removed.

    Am I missing anything if I remove them? I’m guessing less players or staff to choose from? 

    Is the extra 1.5 stars worth it or is that kind of meaningless? 

  2. Hello everyone,

    I recently got FM21 for the Xbox one. I am able to select up to 5 leagues. I want to do the “top 5” of England, Germany, Spain, Italy and France.

    My question is, what happens if I don’t select Serie C and the lower leagues for like France and Spain? 

    Does this affect the scouting or player database in anyway? It gives me an additional 1.5 stars in game speed but don’t want to be limited or whatever. 

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