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George Larmon

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Posts posted by George Larmon

  1. On 22/12/2020 at 15:41, Adam Bell said:


    Yeah that's what I meant, thanks for the info this has been passed onto the dev team.


    Absolutely no way the issue could not be reproduced in house... can we get a real update.. when is this going to e fixed... such a big issue 


  2. On 28/12/2020 at 08:54, fridge73 said:

    Happens for me too........all season!  Pretty much ruined my save and my interest in the game. 

    Making the game available on tablets have brought back lots of old users (and I mean users from earlier edition of the game). However, I dont think they, nor others, will be hanging around much longer if you dont stop pushing the game  into stores unfinished.  My time is valuable and so is my money. 

    If you want more sales then do it right from the start. Basic Business 101. 

    Sorry. Just p’d off. 

    Still no poxy update ... it’s been months now :thdn::thdn:


     extremely disappointed


  3. On 10/12/2020 at 13:38, Harry Dunning said:

    Hi @StojC,

    Thanks for getting in touch.

    Can you confirm a little more as to what has happened here please - am i right in thinking you believe the result in schedule has diverged from the actual result you had in your match?



    Soo? Is there an update coming for this issue... it’s so well known across all users.. there is no way that you need more information.. crazy

  4. How this issue got passed testing and multiple reports raised, and still not being resolved is absolutely ridiculous.. I love this game, playing on my iPad Pro, or connected to a monitor.. getting my FM fix without a desktop,   But these bugs are crucial to the experience..


    Simulated in games around the league are completely different from actual results


    and another crucial one, not. being able to view older matches.... two bad bugs, not feeling positive about a resolution coming

  5. This has been a known issue since release.. can SI please confirm if there is a solution coming.. I experienced this last night, absolutely extremely frustrating after playing the match, seeing my challengers lost 0-1 in game meant I only needed a draw, watched the trophy celebration... came back to menu only to be told I came second and challengers won 2-0???

    SI is has been a while now, can you please update users on DEV to fix this.. in game simulations around the league seem to be completely different from end game results. I don’t have a save for this because I did not accept the outcome of 2nd place, after playing for a draw because challengers were losing .. Please fix

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