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AGE Interactive

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Posts posted by AGE Interactive

  1. I've tried to add the EU Nations to "nations not considered as foreign", and replace the rule of having 2 non-foreign players on the pitch at all time with 2 homegrown players, but that is not considering just Sammarinese and it does pick up every player that was in the nation for at least 3 years before turning 21. That means that every youth intake would be eligible, which I don't want.

    In the end I decided to stick with the current format, I would rather keep the rule of having 2 Sammarinese players on the pitch at all time than to restrict the amount of players from outside of EU that you can have in the squad.

    Thank you once again for the suggestion!

  2. This database contains the complete Sammarinese Football League System

    - Campionato Sammarinese

    - Coppa Titano
    -Super Coppa Sammarinese

    The rules are realistic, with the exception of a max 2 non-EU foreign players registered in the squad, as that would also exclude Sammarinese players, and I could't make it work.
    San Marino does not have Youth divisions for an age available in the game.

    I do recommend also activating Serie C in Italy to make use of San Marino Academy in the Italian youth system, and to give more options for transfers.

    If you would like to support my work, please feel free to donate on my PayPal page:

    Thank you!

    San Marino v1.2

    - Made all the teams amateur
    - Added real finances for the clubs


    Sammarinese Football League System.fmf

  3. This database contains the complete Romanian Football League System

    - Liga I
    - Liga II
    - Liga III
    - Liga IV
    - Liga V
    - Liga VI
    - Liga VII

    - Cupa Romaniei
    - Cupa Romaniei Judet
    - Super Cupa Romaniei

    - Liga Elitelor U19
    - Campionatul National U19
    - Campionat U19 Judetean
    - Cupa Romaniei U19
    - Super Cupa Romaniei U19
    - Liga Elitelor U17
    - Campionatul National U17
    - Campionat U17 Judetean
    - Cupa Romaniei U17
    - Super Cupa Romaniei U17

    Because of lack of information and/or errors in the editor, Liga IV and lower are not 100% accurate.
    If you would like to support my work, please feel free to donate on my PayPal page:

    Thank you!

    Update Romania v2.2
    - The information for leagues and clubs in Liga I, II, and III has been updated to be more realistic.


    Romanian Football League System.fmf

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