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Posts posted by BennySnow

  1. Pretty sure I can jump in here.


    I don’t believe this is an issue with columns being removed. But that, on iPad, there doesn’t seem to be any way to have “secondary sorting”. by this , we mean that if I wanted my team selection to be sorted by selected players AND by their position. This is no longer possible. In previous versions, you could select a column (any column) and it would sort, ascending or descending. Then select a secondary column and it would also do the same. 

    if you imagine columns USED to work in this manner when clicking on  “position” for example:

    1st click - Primary sorting Ascending (1 white triangle pointed upward)

    2nd click - Primary sorting descending (1 white triangle pointed downward)

    3rd click - Secondary sorting ascending (2 white triangles pointed upward)

    4th click - Secondary sorting descending (2 white triangles pointed downward)

    on PC this function is done by holding down shift and clicking on the second column you want to sort by. 

    on iPad, this seems to be removed? 

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