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Posts posted by felix_klaus

  1. First of all, tons of credits Özil-to-the-Arsenal for all of your work put into your threads!
    Belongside some others on this forum, you have been  a great teacher as well as an inspiration to me.

    About me - I played the FM15 until last year, it has been my first version of the game. Last year my wife gifted me the 2020 version of FM and I fell in love again. But besides having success on my long-term BVB save, it didn't feel like my tactic was good. The football was "posession w/o intent". Boring. Furthermore I didn't feel like getting the most out of my players because of the tactic. Long story short - found this part of the forum and started reading a ton. Signed up in a forum the only time in years, just for this reply here btw. ;-)

    You got me here because you couldn't find a solution to translate your Invincibles into FM20 (or any version w/o the team shape instruction). As I wanted to play that style I kept trying and have found a solution, which nearly hits every individual mentality you've been wishing, with only the CM-S getting "balanced" instead of "positive". Given that it is just the mentality of a single player, which could be influenced which PPM's, I'd say I got it translated :)


    - I flipped the sides, as it suited my squad way better 

    - left winger right footed (and PI's), right winger right-footed

    - CF right-footed and with attack duty - attacking individual mentality in a balanced team mentality

    - the only neccesary difference in terms of players individual mentalities lies in the CM-S, who is balanced, not positive

    - I changed my keepers role to SK-S, mainly to better my build-up against pressing teams

    - Overlap left, for positive mentality of both players

    - be more expressive and higher tempo as I am on balanced team mentality opposed to attacking team mentality - this gives me fast (counter-) attacking, but still can go a controlled builkd-up route and beat deep defesive teams

    - close down more urgent as my BVB got the team with the highest reputation by this season, to avoid ultra defensive sides endlessly passing 

    Btw. I am reffering to this, when I talk about your desired individual player mentalities.

    Attacking    Positive   Defensive   Positive
    Attacking   Defensive   Defensive   Positive

    I am mostly short on time, so I may edit this post from time to time to show some our successes as well as some of the players and/or ingame-footage (CL-Final vs. PSG for example ;)) I am pretty happy for every single reply, as I have been when I saw this thread still beeing alive as well as Özil-to-the-Arsenal still visiting this forum.



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