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Posts posted by avfcleo29

  1. 12 hours ago, kevhamster said:

    They're all basically the same spec, aside from the 3rd one which has less storage, so go with whichever of the other 3 has the best reviews.

    In terms of performance, anything in that price range isn't going to be super quick, but will play the game.  You'll be able to play 3D - should manage the medium preset for graphics (but you may need to make some tweaks downwards, based on my own experience with the previous generation version of the Ryzen 5 mobile processor).

    Thanks for the info! Is there anything in that price range that you could recommend that would definitely out perform the others?

    Would I be better opting for intel i5?






    Thank you!



  2. Hi all,

    Complete newbie when it comes to buying a laptop for myself, have a general understanding of some things needed for a laptop for FM. 

    I want a laptop strictly for football manager which I can use going forward for a few years. I really am not interested in doing anything else on it & as I have a work laptop - but I can’t install FM on it.

    My budget is £400-500 really, I was wondering if you had any comment on any of the below.






     I’d just like to run the game nicely & smoothly. A good few nations and league and 3D.

    Thanks in advance. 

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