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Issue Comments posted by X0X0

  1. Em 01/11/2023 em 19:07, Robbles Quin ®™ disse:

    Hey there, thanks for this, I did point this out earlier, however rules regarding promotion to J3 have changed this year and Honda FC are technically eligible for promotion as teams can now receive their J3 Licence after winning the league and not before like it has been. this also means that if Honda FC made the step to not be a company team at the end of the season then they would be promoted. That is why as of the moment there still hasnt been any notice of them being ineligible, but will presume it might come after they finnish in the top 2 places.

    What Total BS! Honda FC is a subsidiary of Honda. A 5 second read of their wikipedia page would be enough to verify that not only Honda FC does not intend to enter J3 they would also have to change their name, since Honda FC is a blatant corporate name.

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