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Chris Evans93

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Posts posted by Chris Evans93

  1. 1 hour ago, Michael Mallia said:

    Hi @danterry1411, the update has fixed an issue where the game was crashing. Regarding the issue where saves become corrupted saves/users losing saves is still under review with our dev team.

    And how much longer is this going to be i started a new save but if the issue isn't fix and the save will become corrupt then what's the point i have haven't got past a season, since the launch its frustrating. And don't tell me you understand the frustration because you don't please give me a expected day of fix.

  2. 1 hour ago, Michael Mallia said:

    Hi @danterry1411, the update has fixed an issue where the game was crashing. Regarding the issue where saves become corrupted saves/users losing saves is still under review with our dev team.

    And how much longer is this going to be i started a new save but if the issue isn't fix and the save will become corrupt then what's the point i have haven't got past a season, since the launch its frustrating. And don't tell me you understand the frustration because you don't please give me a expected day of fix. Until you play the game on x box you won't understand the frustration. 

  3. 15 minutes ago, IN_FL4MES said:

    In fact, you could continue playing with another savegame and get past the point where it always crashes. However, I have to play again in Game 1 year and my progress is gone. This is not a little time and effort, for nothing and away. The next question is when it crashes again and goes no further? That's not the point of the game, or dear developers? Unfortunately, however, this is not really the case, except that it is being worked on. But my question again: How long has the problem been in the community? Since December 2020?

    Yes since December but only really took notice in February of the problem. 

  4. 29 minutes ago, Rob Heckman said:

    Hi @Chris Evans93, unfortunately I can't provide an estimated date as this is still being investigated by the team. As soon as we have some news we will be able to update everyone on the situation but unfortunately, it isn't possible at this stage. I understand how frustrating this issue is and all I can do is apologize for the inconvenience that this must be causing the affected customers. Thanks.

    Okay, Neil told me that Microsoft where looking at the cloud storage or something is this what yourselves are looking at. 

  5. On 17/12/2020 at 12:50, Interista4 said:


    Me and 2 friends have been playing an online game. The games been far too glitchy and often gets stuck with the same issue of generating press report (we’ve found continuing at the same time can help avoid that issue). But with this issue we were trying to continue and when it was processing onto the next day it would crash, forcing us to dashboard.

    This happened a few times until the main save file disappeared and the backups won’t load.

    Teams managed - Monza, Vicenza, Livorno (Originally Chievo, if that makes a difference)

    Leagues Loaded - England Spain France Germany Italy

    In-game date - the save date was 22nd January 2022, the game crashes while processing on to 28th January 2022. This was a game day for Vicenza and consistently crashed at that date. We were planning to go on holiday next time to try and resolve that issue, but the save disappeared.

    Steps to reproduce - load the save file Connor Wood - Monza, play the game as normal until crashing on processing towards 28th January 2022


    So as mentioned, the main save game is now no longer showing on to be able to load it. Attempting to load backup v02 or v03 (this has different save date of 8th January) and we are presented with unable to load saved game.


    It not sure it would make sense to expect the back ups to be corrupted, so hoping it’s not that. And no idea why the main save has disappeared.


    Note these were saved to the cloud.


    Also note that 2 out of 3 players are playing on Xbox series x, and the other started on Xbox one x then moved to pc.


    Not sure if there is any further info I can give you that might help?

    It's something to do with Microsoft cloud that's corrupting saves affects new gens of xbox there investigating at the moment. 

  6. On 04/01/2021 at 12:31, Rob Heckman said:

    Hi, could you provide me with the information requested above as this could help us identify this issue. Thanks.

    Yeah, certain points in the game i go to save and it freezes on it, when I reload save is corrupt could you imagine winning everything in America, going to save it and then it crashed, please sort this issue out I'm running out of paintence

  7. On 15/12/2020 at 13:24, Rob Heckman said:

    Hi @Vertigar ice, is this with a manual save or auto save? If it's an auto save, which save type and frequency are you using? Do you have a slightly earlier save (before the two in question) that you can re-load and continue again with? If so, does it crash with that too?

    Any update on fix just got to 2024 and the game won't save, fuming sort it out. 

  8. On 15/12/2020 at 13:24, Rob Heckman said:

    Hi @Vertigar ice, is this with a manual save or auto save? If it's an auto save, which save type and frequency are you using? Do you have a slightly earlier save (before the two in question) that you can re-load and continue again with? If so, does it crash with that too?

    I'm the same can't re load any earlier save either it's really annoying needs sorting asap

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