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Posts posted by Shib0

  1. 1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

    Whereas counter-press is inherently aggressive pressing-wise, but the difference is that it applies only during defensive transitions, which are relatively short.

    That makes perfect sense, thanks!

    I didn't understand Counter-Press only applies during transition to defensive phase and stops once the defensive phase actually starts (if unsuccessful).

  2. I will say this, while I understand it's possible to be successful with defensive approaches here and there (eg. underdog playing a cautious low block), the game seems to reward riskier tactics WAY more. I don't know why that is, but even the poorest sides tend to perform far better with aggressive setups, than they do with more cautious ones. We see this time and time again in the download section, practically every tactic there has a high risk mentality, combined with high lines and maxed out pressing and those tactics will get you decent results no matter what team you're managing. There's just something off with how the game perceives pressing; fitness, cohesion and all the rest doesn't seem to actually matter that much.

    Doesn't even have to be a downloaded tactic, from my experience you're far better off with an aggressive setup, than you are with low blocks (if your goal is to get best results possible and you don't care about playing realistic tactics). @Rashidi is as good as it gets when it comes to tacticians and even he got spanked 3-0 by Bournemouth while playing a cautious low block in one of his recent streams. I understand he also got some great results with that same tactic, but the point is low blocks seem to be much riskier than just going for it, while in reality it should probably be the opposite (at least when it comes to not leaking goals). Seems like the AI just isn't that good when it comes to defensive positioning, marking, spacial awareness, etc. That's probably also why ultra aggressive tactics are so successful in this game, it's just too easy to overwhelm the AI.

  3. Would appreciate some clarification on this, I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. What is the actual difference between Counter-Press and Higher Line Of Engagement?

    If I understand correctly, Counter-Press instructs your players to apply pressure immediately after losing the ball. But wouldn't that also be the case with High LOE? For example, what would be your thought process behind choosing Higher LOE, but not Counter-Press? Or the opposite, a Standard/Lower LOE, combined with Counter-Press?

    I'm struggling to understand actual differences, if someone could explain them in simple terms, I'd be very grateful.

  4. @knap Hello sir, sorry if you're asked this a lot, but which tactic would you recommend for vanarama north to premier league? Will holy ghost fire 41212 diamond be ok, or will midfield get overrun with poor quality players? I thought about parisienne walkways 4231, but i'm worried about 1 striker tactics in lower leagues where players are bad :D. Maybe venom and faith 442?

  5. 17 hours ago, Junkhead said:

    Post in the bugs forum about what you think the issues are, and ask them if they want a save to look at. There might be threads already in there.

    The game isn't too easy because of bugs, it's too easy because the ai isn't interactive/good enough. It cant see your tactic, it can't adapt to it and it also lacks heavily in areas such as transfer market, morale management, even fitness management during busy periods. That's not something that will get solved with random bug report threads. Devs will just scoff at them linking steam achievement percentages and saying how many users are clearly still finding the game difficult and that's that (which is why difficulty levels are the only real way to make both sides happy, but for some reason that's extremely controversial on this forum).

  6. On 24/11/2020 at 23:16, Zemahh said:

    With the full release now being out, I fired up a quick West Brom save to give the 4-4-2 a whirl and boy am I having fun! Despite a sub-par squad (first transfer window disabled, predicted to finish dead last), I'm seeing some beautiful counter-attacking football. So far, the match engine feels very responsive, so perhaps this is the year where Sean Dyche replications can finally shine in all their glory. :D

    Some highlights:










    We're currently sitting eighth in the league with least possession and third most goals scored. Took me a bit of experimenting to settle on a tactic, so the stats are a bit skewed, but from what I've seen so far, I've no doubt low blocks can work very well this year.






    On 25/11/2020 at 09:48, Zemahh said:



    I experimented with Positive/Attacking, but although they can produce some great gung-ho football, the problem then becomes having four players on Very Attacking Mentalities, which means we were losing the ball a lot. To counter that, I could turn WMs from Attack to Support, but I really want them making early forward runs often, so that wasn't an option. I've also tried using them as Wingers, but I've got an issue with Stay Wider instruction being hard-coded; CMs were often lacking close support when the counter wasn't on. Besides that, we very rarely actually lack width and if so, WBs will Run Wide With Ball even on Defend duty (they still overlap quite frequently).

    Also, interesting to see how deep the 4-4-2 can be on its own, without having to lower the LoE:




    So far, it's going good. Robson-Kanu is having the time of his life. :cool:



    These goals look great, are wms inner or outer footed?

  7. 10 hours ago, mikcheck said:

    As you can see, there's is a notorious difference, much more crosses. I'd really like to believe that there were no ME changes, but honestly, it's hard to believe that.

    I don't want to sound rude or anything, because I know that there were no direct ME changes, but It's my experience from the many games I've played in these past days.

    I'd like to know if anyone else noticed the same thing?

    Yep and throw ins are back :rolleyes:. No matter how i setup my set pieces (tried zonal marking with cbs on far and near post, tried man marking), i just keep seeing those stupid goals (throw in, quick pass, cross, goal). Really annoying to see.

  8. Tactic:


    TMat   AFat

    WMsu                         IWsu

    DMde   VOLat

    WBat     BPDde  CDde   FBsu



    cautious, more direct passing, pass into space, early crosses, be more expressive, higher tempo, counter, regroup, distribute quickly, force opposition outside, lower line of engagement



    How can i make this better defensively? My aim is to play proper lower league football, defend low, direct passes, goals from counters and set pieces. Anytime i tried such a tactic it just falls apart completely.

  9. On 14/11/2020 at 20:50, Rashidi said:



    Tried this in vanarama south, but not much success


    I think force opposition outside + lower loe + regroup + 2dms just creates an overkill impossible to cope with. Both cbs have good jumping reach, but the amount of crosses is just too high (maybe 3cbs would be better?)

  10. Game is too easy because it's too easy to sign good players. Revamped scouting and all that means very little if you can still filter through tens of thousands of players on your player search screen or just scout youth intakes (why's that even a thing, take the whole screen out of the game). If you rely on your dof for signings it's more of a challenge, but dof is simply too bad for it to be fun. No, i dont want to be suggested 35 year olds each time i ask for suggestions, they dont even fit the club philosophy im expected to follow :idiot:.

    Lower league saves are currently a joke tbh, you can trial hundreds of players each transfer window, pick the best freebies and go from l6 to premier league with back to back promotions. Don't even need to use op tactics either, an attacking 442 with counterpress and higher line will do, because the ai cant counter your tactics. Inb4 "just dont do it bro", the moment i stop trying hard the game stops being fun, simple as.

    My issue with FM is that the initial learning step is high, but once you learn the basics, the skill ceiling is incredibly low. Good games can provide new AND experienced players with just enough challenge for them to stay interested and that just isnt the case with FM. I dont want difficulty levels that would introduce any sort of scripting, but at least make the AI able to counter tactics like humans can. It shouldn't be too hard for AI to say "my opponent is playing attacking mentality and high line, let me try hitting him on the break instead of playing right into his hands with an attacking tactic of my own, just because his rep is lower than mine", which would make the game more challenging. But the problem then becomes half of the player base would never win another game, so that's why this should be an option at the start of the save. An ironman mode of sorts, if you will. Not sure why this is always so controversial to suggest.

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