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Posts posted by Hunterlufc

  1. Not sure if I have misunderstood how it’s meant to work, but I’ve upgraded the training facilities 3 times over the course of a season and a half. But when I check the facilities in club info it remains as “good” this is what it was before the last 3 upgrades. I had previously managed to improve it to get it to “good” in the first place but now it appears to be stuck. Is this an issue or do I just need to do multiple improvements to see it increase from good?

  2. Seems only the loaded leagues get a regular intake, even that only seems to be a handful of players. When I look at nations like Brazil, individual clubs will maybe have one young player that is a newgen. Is this the way it’s meant to be or something that is going to be fixed? Playing the Xbox version. Apologies in advance if this has been answered before

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