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Posts posted by Humbug_Total

  1. I hope this is the right place for my suggestions as they´re not necessarily bugs.

    Team talks:

    It would be much easier to adress individual players if you could just klick on them.

    Additionally, it feels counterintuitive that once I selected to adress individual players all players become marked and I have to deselect all players I don´t want to adress. IMO it should be the other way around.

    Pre-match tactical screen:

    There is no way of returning to the team talk screen. You will return to the team talk screen when you haven´t delivered any talk by pressing the "tunnel" button, but once you delivered a single talk, it takes you straight to the match. There should be a dedicated button to return to team talks. Right now many buttons are just guessworking were they might take you.

    In match:

    Why can´t I customise the match stat slide and sticky it?

    Also, there should always be "cancel" button on the lower right part of every tab of the "tactics & subs" screen, not only the tactical screen. On the other tabs it shows to the top right, but only after you made a change.

    Opponents formation with player names on touchpad should have the "i" button to hover over and show to the player attributes.

    I would like to sticky additional windows with info in the main match screen like in previous iterations of the game.

    In general, I´d love more options for customisation.

    Often the interface here feels counterintuitive and it´s a trial and error thing of what does what.

  2. Summary: Promise was kept, but a different player than who was promised is unhappy that promise was not kept.

    Description of Issue: I promised two players to improve team talks. I had team talks with positive reactions since and the original players dropped their concerns. But a third player who wasn´t part of the original promise and never raised concerns is unhappy that the promise is not kept. Promise is shown as completed in the promise screen.

    Steps to Reproduce: Reloaded last safe before the time for the promise ran out and the issue persisted. Did not try to recreate by going back two months to the origin of the promise.

    Files Uploaded to the OwnCloud: 20201117_bugreport_Humbug_BVB.fm

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