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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Yeah i have the same Issue with German Language. Only in development hub
  2. Ok thats good to know. Doesn't think about that. My scouting Budget was around 70-80k. Thats quite low. Thank you for the answer!
  3. I have the same Problem. I play with Wisla Krakow in the first polish league in the third year. At the end of the first year i had 4 Scouts and suddenly the board reduces them to 0. Now, with 15 Million € on the Bank account, the board increases the Assitantmanagers from 7 to 11, but Scouts are still 0. The only thing i can do is to renew the contracts of the current scouts, but they are so bad, that i don't want to do that.
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