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Posts posted by Nad

  1. 2 minutes ago, foolsgold said:

    Apart from the fact that I'd expect this team to be considerably better in 2-3 years time.

    It's 18 months away and there's no guarantee at all that the team will be better. You can always imagine that the younger players will improve but that's never assured; and there's always injuries, players out of form etc to contend with (whereas England pretty much had a fullly fit squad to pick from here I think, other than TAA missing).

  2. 2 minutes ago, Rob1981 said:

    It’s not about tearing at them all game whilever it’s level, it’s about keeping it at 0-0 and then putting yourself in a position to win in the last 20-25 minutes. Played the Germany game like this and it worked to perfection.

    When you spend an hour sitting on a 1-0 lead it’s really really hard to then get any forward momentum back once you concede the equaliser.

    What are you talking about? Are you serously suggesting you'd have a better chance of winning at 0-0 after 70 mins rather than 1-0 up?

    I think reality wants a word.

  3. I wouldn't hold much hope that England are going to do anything in Qatar.

    They've had two tournaments where all the cards have fallen in their favour. Benign draws, other good teams getting knocked out, some generous refereeing decisions, a home tournament here, taking the lead in the match where they ultimately lost etc. And they still couldn't win.

    So considering they're unlikely to get such favourable circumstances again, this was as good as it could get.

  4. Southgate's cowardice finally caught up with him. Imagine having that bench but not making the changes because you're too scared to take off Kane and Sterling, who did precisely nothing between them all game.

    He played for penalties rather than the win...that's amusing in its own right, even funnier when the players he brought on just for penalties both missed. 

    Rashford's miss started the rot, if you want to emulate Simone Zaza, you have to score or you get the Zaza treatment.

    Saka taking the last penalty is unforgivably bad management, especially as he had a stinker of a game so hardly goes into it with any confidence. We can specualte all day about the othrs that didn't take them; all I would say is if Sterling and Phillips weren't going to take penalties, why on earth were they still on the pitch at the end?

    The only thing I expected that didn;t happen was Pickford screwing up. Felt a bit bad for him after that penalty save from Jorginho which should have kep England in it and with all the momentum. But only a bit bad, he's still a colossal **** who ended van Dijk's season because of sheer rashness and stupidity.

    Oh well.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Bigwig said:

    I’m not sure why people always seem to see things in blacks and white. The penalty was either a stonewall penalty or an obvious dive. The very fact it’s being debated so much makes it literally a debatable penalty.

    Also, after all this time people still don’t know what the purpose of VAR is and don’t get the ‘clear and obvious’ part.  VAR doesn’t overturn that decision either way.  If the ref originally doesn’t give then pen then VAR doesn’t overturn the decision. 

    That's a ridiclous argument. It's the equivalent of interviewing an antivax nutjob and laying that against the advice of the entire medical profession to say "ooh, this is not clear cut because there are people debating it".

    It's an obvious dive which is exactly what VAR is there for and qualifies under the "clear and obvious" threshold.

  6. I mean the way I'm seeing things: it 100% was definitely not a penalty. Whatever the opposite of a stonewall penalty is...a stonewall dive? Should simply not have been a penalty and VAR should also be getting a hammering for not intervening. The whole point of the damn thing is to avoid howlers, and they've let a howler go.

    But on the other hand, how many times have England been shafted by bad decisions in knockout games? Plenty. Lampard's goal a mile over the line not given, Campbell's header being disallowed (still don't know why), soft red cards for Beckham and Rooney, etc...and that's just top of my head. 

    Also, Kane's diving antics were pretty bad last night. But again, Hojbjerg was doing exactly the same thing; and you can bet your bottom dollar that Immobile will too on Sunday, so whatevs.

    Southgate's lack of substitutions in normal time probably the biggest worry going into the final. Hasn't learned his lessons. The game was there to be won in normal time but hesitated. Also, Pickford :D But not a lot you can do about the latter now.

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