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Posts posted by ANDY319

  1. 4 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    It's something we've been very much working on as soon as it was raised to us here. We contacted some of the affected people in this thread to test a fix for us which so far is showing promising results. 

    We're hopeful the issue will no longer be present upon full release of the game. 

    So does this mean FM21 will be playable from midnight tonight for people with late 2011 MacBook laptops with OS High Sierra or am I being far too optimistic ??

  2. 9 hours ago, JC Viking said:

    I get the frustration but we are just in Beta, which is there to allow early access to help find problems. I’m not sure why people expect Beta to be 100% OK. It may not be. We were all unlucky to be impacted by a showstopper. 

    Maybe it will be fixed by actual launch? At the moment they’ve said they’re fixing it. Let’s see if they do. The issue has been recreated so hopefully it’s just a matter of time. 

    If not by all means burn your virtual copies of the game (and I’ll be p’d off too) and criticise all you like. In the meantime chill your beans. Last thing you want is a hasty fix that breaks something else. You may also have noticed there are 1 or 2 other bugs being looked at. 


    Yeah, it’s understandable that problems can occur during the beta stage, that’s why it exists, to find these bugs/glitches but that’s not what I’m annoyed about, I’m annoyed at the lack of info that is being provided by SI on this matter.

    The games full release is in 3 days and we still don’t know if we’ll even be able to play it yet. Assuming they are like any other normal company, they won’t be working on weekends. If that is the case then that means that we will only get some insight into what’s happening on Monday but I really can’t get my hopes up for that. 

    Rather then tell us they have the laptop now and are looking into it (which is great don’t get me wrong), I’d like to know where they are with the fix, I’m not saying a daily update but just let us know how it’s going because we’re kind of in the dark here, as I said, its full release is in 3 days and I really want to know if I should be getting my hopes up or be prepared for a let down. 

    All they have to say is things like, “progress is going well”, “we are positive that you will get the outcome you were hoping for” or “unfortunately the solution to the problem hasn’t come to fruition in time for the full release but rest assured we are still working on it”. Stuff like that would keep our hope alive. Right now, with just silence from their end, all I can think is why aren’t they keeping us updated ? Do they know it can’t be fixed ? Are they specifically waiting for the release day to announce the fix ? These are questions that I hope can be answered.

    We just want some positive feedback, not, “we are still looking into it”. I know this is beta stage and I don’t want to sound like a spoiled brat but this bug seems pretty big, especially if we legit can’t even play the game at all. Considering your specs say that a Late 2011 MacBook with OS High Sierra can run the game (the reason I bought the game) but it actually can’t at this moment in time, is quite misleading. I’ve owned FM21 for nearly two weeks and I haven’t been able to play it once yet. Please SI, gives some good news. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Jimmurd said:

    Just going to have to wait till it’s done. They have updated not to long ago saying they have a sourced a machine and are now working to fix the issue. 

    I mean you say not too long ago but it’s been almost 3 days now since their last update. The full game will be released in 4 days. Was kind of hoping they would have it sorted by the weekend tbh. Or at least have some news, I mean we don’t even know if the full game will work on our devices yet, this is just the beta. I understand problems like this can occur in beta stage but a little more interaction from SI wouldn’t go amiss. Again, I understand COVID-19 has made things a lot harder and I am forever grateful for all the work that SI have and are still currently putting into FM21 but I can’t understand what’s gone wrong, I’m not a tech expert but I saw people mention before that the graphics card makes a difference, the fact that FM20’s beta and full game worked on a MacBook from late 2011 with OS High Sierra without a single issue and FM21’s beta and potential full game don’t work at all. It’s a mystery to me.

  4. 3 hours ago, Neil Brock said:

    To confirm we are aware of an issue affecting users on 2011 Macbooks where the game may freeze or crash during matches or when creating a manager. These specific machines from what we've seen are on 10.13.6 and have an Intel HD 3000 graphics card. This is an issue we've been made aware of and we're trying to source a system to reproduce this. 

    Whilst we try and make sure to test across every combination of system as we can, this has been especially challenging this year as the entire studio is working remotely due to Covid-19. Hopefully as soon as we can get a system we can get this issue investigated and fixed. 

    For any user having similar issues who IS NOT on 10.13.6 or IS NOT running a 2011 Macbook with an Intel HD 3000 graphics card - PLEASE CREATE YOU OWN THREAD.

    We ask this so we have clarity on the issues affecting users to make sure nothing gets missed.

    Whilst we understand this is frustrating if you have this system, we are working as hard as we can to get the issue fixed. 


    Thank you for this Neil, I wasn’t trying to cause any chaos by messaging Miles Jacobson, I just wanted the people here to have some information as to what was going, as we hadn’t heard from you guys in a while. I assumed Miles might know something being a director of SI but maybe not. I’m sure everyone here can agree that FM is one of their favourite games of all time and when something like this happens, it is painful for your dedicated fans to stomach. I understand this is Beta stage and things like this can happen, plus COVID-19 has certainly not made anyone’s life easier but hopefully this issue can be resolved sooner rather then later. I, like others would rather avoid purchasing an entirely new laptop just to play one game, even though I adore FM, the finances outweigh the practicality. So sadly if this can not be fixable, for the first time in my FM gaming history (playing since 05), I’d have to ask for refund and miss my first year of FM for the first time in 10+ years and I never thought I would say that. Fingers crossed this problem can be resolved, I have all the faith in the world that you’ll fix this.

  5. 1 minute ago, Jimmurd said:

    surely be cheaper for them to just buy this laptop and test it haha. The sales would more than pay for it and they could just resell it anyway surely. Don't know if i am being naive 

    That’s what I don’t get/ understand why we haven’t had a response from SI here for a while, unless they are trying to decide which unlucky sod has to inform us all that we can’t play the latest FM game and will need to all upgrade our laptops 🥴

  6. So um Miles Jacobson (director of SI games) doesn’t even know how the tech guys for SI can even check this issue, he says unless they have the exact same laptop as us it will be hard to test the problem. This is very discouraging and to me screams that we need to get refunded for FM21 if we can’t play the game. Unless we can get an update from someone here from SI to let’s us know how they are getting on with checking/testing this problem ???

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