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Posts posted by OldLadyPlays

  1. HIya, and thanks (genuinely) to the mod who closed my thread for directing me over here. I figured there was something like this, but couldn't find it readily. 

    I am, or was, spurzgrrl, from back in the 2003-2005 era, and wondered if anyone is still around from then. I decided to reprise a save I did on this board recently, and got curious whether it still existed (it does). No harm or offence taken if you don't remember me, this is just idle curiosity and nostalgia posting. :)

    I can be reached on Twitter at OldLadyPlays too. It's nice to be back, I look forward to reading some of your work. :)


  2. Well, the topic says it all on the tin, really. I'm wondering if anyone remembers me. I posted here about 2000 times between 2003 and 2006, as "spurzgrrl", and even won a Grumpy back in the day (2004). I can't get back into the old account, because the recovery email is lost to me (an ISP that long ago went bust). I got thinking about this place because I just started a save where I'm reviving an ancient idea from back then, and I thought I'd check on the Internets to see if it remembered me. 

    There's no story here beyond that. I just wondered if there were still anyone here from those days. :)

    I'll understand if the mods choose to lock this down, as I'm probably off-topic. My apologies. You can reach me on Twitter as OldLadyPlays. 

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled stories.

  3. I just went into Detail Level in the main menu, and all the names of the competitions and everything appear to be in Norwegian. Possibly Swedish or Danish, but I think Norwegian. I've included a screenshot. The game is being played in UK English.



    EDIT: Just checking other preferences, I found that for some reason the Data Language was Norsk, as I suspected. Not sure if it's a bug, but I certainly didn't choose Norsk for any of my language options.

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