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Posts posted by pandipastrami

  1. 7 minutes ago, Zemahh said:

    Yes, that's correct. However, €1M fees on top of full wages is quite a lot, so unless you're offering out a star-caliber player, not a lot of clubs may bite.


    Oh yes, is completely fictional just to have easy number to type :)  Thank you for your reply!


    Regarding the wage, if I put 100% ,will pay or will the club that is receiving the player? 

  2. Hey thank you for the reply, I guess I have always misunderstood the options, so to confirm say I have this fictional setup when offering to club: 




    Will I receive 1M when the player plays and 2.5 when he doesn't? I thought for whatever reason (maybe because English is not my language :) ) that would have to pay that. 


    Instead for the wage, who's paying in this case? Me that I own the player or the club that is loaning it? 


    Thank you! 

  3. Hi!

    Very new to FM, I am currently having a lot of success heavily scouting and getting lots of young promising players, loaning them in bulk and sell the non exceptional and keep the exceptional.
    However, I found while googling something else that you can loan out players for a monthly fee, however I can't find the option? Every option I see is about how much I the loaning club will pay, or I misunderstanding the field?

    I am currently adding "Bonus upon completion" with very low bar, but I wonder if there is something I am missing (e.g. cannot replicate what is on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/7c23p2/remember_to_loan_out_players_for_money/ )

    If relevant, I am playing in the premier league.


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