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Posts posted by chamorroguy4043

  1. Thank you.

    The plan was to only do the lands the Mongols conquered during Genghis Khan's reign. But if I'm still feeling the save, I could make his son Ögedei and playthrough the countries captured during his time since the Empire didn't expand much after him. (North and South Korea, Poland, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, and India)

    I have a sneaking suspicion by the time I finish China/Russia I'll be ready for a new save since it'll be about 20-25 seasons in the future if I'm good. My other conqueror's quest character I thought about making was Alexander The Great and will probably want to do that.


  2. Overview
    Running a save with the spirit reincarnate of the great Mongol conqueror, Temüjin, or Genghis Khan. Still running a few tests with the databases but here is the basic quest line progression I'm shooting for. Feel free to give any suggestions to increase immersion or make the save more interesting. I spent some time thinking about how to best mirror Genghis Khan's conquest throughout Eurasia as best I could in an FM way, so if you have any questions to why I am using specific routes, rules, or parameters go ahead and ask. 

    Projected Quest Line
    Temüjin will be starting as Head (coach) of Mongolia, warring within China through (3rd tier Chinese club) Neimenggu Caoshngfei. After warring for a year, the Khan will move West, conquering (winning the top leagues of) Central Asia. Consolidating his forces, he moves onto challenging and conquering the Khwarazmian Empire (Iran). From there Genghis Khan has two choices. Either take his forces up the Kalka River to take parts of Volga Bulgaria and Russia (Azerbaijan, Georgia,Ukraine,Russia), or Head back East to deal with The Western XIa and Jin Dynasties (China).

    Rules of War and Recruitment

    • Country is considered Conquered by winning the Top league. (Mongolia already considered conquered)
    • Losing a war (getting sacked) requires you to leave the country for at least one season
    • After 1 season at Caoshangfei: Must choose between invading (moving to) Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan or Kazakhstan.
    • Can only invade countries adjacent to already conquered territory.
    • Must conquer 4 of 6: Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; before invading Iran.
    • Ukraine will be considered 'adjacent' to Azerbaijan and Georgia, thus can be invaded after conquest of either.
    • Russia must have 3 of 6 adjacent countries conquered before an invasion (Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Georgia, China)
    • All soldiers and servants (players and staff) under the Khan are part of The Mongol Empire (can be given Mongolia as a second nationality)
    • Soldiers (players) brought in must be from the country currently invading or Mongolian.
    • Servants (Staff) can be from a conquered land, Mongolian, and either from or adjacent the country currently invading.
    • Honored as The Great and Supreme Khan of all the Mongols (Cannot be fired from Head coach of Mongolia)


    Manager and leagues overview


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